VI: Oliver

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I closed my locker and started walking to Psych class. It was my favorite time of the day, most kids thought Psychology was weird and boring. I loved it, learning how minds worked, I guess it was just my inner horror fan. Ava had Psych too, and we sat near each other. Since she started dating Mason though, she sat by him and his friends instead. I didn't let that ruin my time though, I just ignored them the best I could.


"What is that?" I jerked up, startled by the voice.

I turned around and saw Hailee, the person I least expected to talk to a geek like me.

"Oh, just a drawing I'm doing." It was of a serial killer, in his messy lab.

She sat down. "It's good. Do you draw a lot?"

"Yeah, it calms me."

"We all need an escape." She smiled.

"Why are you talking to me? Not to be rude, but you just have never said anything to me."

"Well, ever since Avalon started dating Masey-boo," I cringed at the nickname, "you've seemed a bit lonely. I thought you could use a friend."

"Oh, no me and Ava still hang out a lot."

She grabbed my hand in a comforting way. "I can see it in your eyes."

I changed the topic. "Do you even know my name?"

"Yeah, Oliver Hendricks."


We stopped talking, but she stayed with me. Once the bell rang, she stuck a sticky note to my notebook and left with her entourage. I looked at the note, which had her phone number. I decided to save it, and walked to my next class.

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