Mortals call male witches warlocks, but they are wrong. Warlocks and witches are actually different magical creatures. Mortals confuse a lot of the magical creatures of the land to be something else or act a certain way.
Elves are confused for fairy's and vice versa. Male witches get called warlocks and female warlocks get called witches.Wizards are mistaken for warlocks and witches combined. Vampires and werewolves don't despise each other. Trolls hate bridges. And Ogres don't like to be alone. But that's only naming a few.
People also don't understand that magical creatures aren't completely like the ones in story books. Fairy's aren't tiny and not all of them are good. Elves only jingle as they walk if they are happy. Pixies don't even exist really, they are elf-fairy hibrids. Witches do rituals and sacrifices and definitely don't make potions in a huge black cauldron (it's actually a small brass pot). Warlocks harass people with their magic and can't make potions. Wizards have their own realm of magic and potions but they have leaders and powerful books with strict rules to follow.
Philip is a witch, Daniel is a fairy, and this is the story of how the two best friends became lovers.
Phil's POV:
Daniel isn't really a good fairy but nor is he a bad one either. He's in between if you ask me. He wears all black and has this really bad ass attitude which is not even that tough. When Dan is just walking around he looks like a dark soul but he carries around a glittery pink wand and when he flies pink tinted sparkles of light follow him around. It's quite cute in my opinion.
Dan and I live together in a small dark cottage in the far back of the woods. We like it that way because it's secluded and well its already abnormal for witches and fairy's to be friends, let alone live together. Of course, it's not that we aren't allowed to be friends, witches and fairy's just don't usually get along. So certain magical beings frown upon us because they don't like change.
As a life-long witch I'm embarrassed to say that I am not very skilled at making potions. I always screw them up. I'm currently trying to make a love potion but I've been at it for weeks and I just can't get it right. Witches usually master this potion around twelve years old, but I'm 24 and I have yet to do it. I'm following the book correctly, I swear. I even made Dan cry for me because I didn't have any fairy tears on hand.
Amateur Love Potion:
Fill small brass pot with three cups of dragons milk. Heat until 78 degrees. Add two pigmy bat wings, five frog toes, and seven fairy tears to the pot. Stir counter clockwise once, clockwise twice, then counter clockwise three times. Add a pitch of Ogres breath and a dash of babies laughter. Stir counter clockwise until potion turns pink.Maybe I'm not doing it fast enough? The dragons milk could be cooling too fast. I just need to try again and try to do it faster.
Dan's POV:Philip is truly one of a kind. He's a witch that performs rituals and sacrifices in our basement. But he uses raspberry scented Yankee candles and buys blood from blood banks so he doesn't have to hurt anybody.
Phil may be adorable but he is the clumsiest witch boy I've ever met. He drops stuff and his cheeks go red. He trips and he pouts. He falls off of things, burns himself, makes the wrong potions, and misplaces his spell books. He looks so cute when he's frustrated or embarrassed.
Occasionally, when Phil gets a potion correct and it's harmless enough, he makes me test it out. I dont mind too much because I know the effects of the small amount I try will ware off in a few short hours. Besides I use my magic on him too.
Sometimes I'll randomly levitate him and spin him around. Or I'll move stuff he's trying to grab. Sometimes I use my powers to sprinkle glitter over his head at weird times of the day and he wonders how it got on him. I like to mess with him.
Third person:
Phil had been following the recipe flawlessly. The potion even turned pink like it was supposed to. He bottled it up and put it on his small shell of successful potions.
Dan knew his friend had been attempting to make the love potion but Phil didn't feel right giving his best friend that kind of potion. Suddenly, an idea popped into Phil's head.
"I'll give him a fake potion and see if he fakes the effects of the real thing." He said quietly to himself. Although Phil whispered it Daniel's fairy ears still picked up on the sound.
Phil added some pink dye into a shot glass of water and went upstairs to Dan. "Dan I've finnaly done it! The love potion is perfect. Please try it?"
Dan nodded and drank the 'potion'. Immediately after, he smiled lovingly at Phil. The fairy got close to the witch and cupped his face gently. The Raven haired witch's breath hitched as Dan leaned in to kiss him. The kiss was sweet yet passionate.
When Dan pulled away he whispered 'I love you're. Phil laughed "haha Dan I caught you faking! I gave you a phony potion."
"I know you did but that kiss wasn't fake." Daniel smirked as Philip's entire face went beet red.
"Oh, well then in that case, I love you too." Phil pulled Dan closer till their bodies wear pressed together. "I've always loved you" he muttered into Dan's ear then sealed their fate with a loving kiss.
(a/n) sorry about all the pov switching I just wanted to get the full wrap around on how they see their best friend and their thoughts but then it made more sense to end the story in third person.

Phan Drabbles
FanfictionThese are like one shots but 'drabble' is just more aestheticly pleasing to me then 'one shot' is. Warnings will be at the top of each drabble. Some of these drabbles will be/get WEIRD as HECK. THERE WILL BE SMUT. I am (sadly) not perfect. There wil...