"Why can't we tell the phandom Phil? I just want to hold your hand in public! Is that too much to fucking ask?" Dan yells, tears flowing freely down his face.
"We just can't Dan! I would love to hold your hand in public but we just can't tell them." Phil yells back.
Dan takes a step toward Phil wiping away his tears will no success because more of them replace the ones soaked up but his sleeve. "If you love me at all, you'll tell the phans right now. Just tweet it." Dan pleads.
"I can't Dan. They can't know." Phil says harshly.
Dan's face falls, "Then we're over," he says with only sadness in his voice but he means it.
Seven months after their breakup Dan finnaly has the courage to text Phil back. See, Phil had moved out the day after their split but tried all day for three weeks to get Dan to talk to him. Although, eventually he stopped calling or texting because the other boy wouldn't pick up.
In Dan's defense, he wanted to talk to Phil, he really did. But, he knew talking to him would just make the heartbreak worse. Dan didn't fall out of love with Phil during those seven months and he didn't get over him either. The emotional pain just slowly got a little bit more bearable with each passing day. And saying that dan misses Phil, would be a huge understatement.
Getting back to the present, Dan finnaly has the courage to text Phil back. He writes an rewrites the message out thirteen times before settling one something and sending it.
To Phil: hey, how have you been?
A painfully long six minutes later, Phil messages Dan back. He took advantage of the situation because he didn't know if dan would ever text him back again.
From Phil: I miss you. Dan I should have made that tweet and I never should have left. I still love you. I love you so so much.
To Phil: oh i miss you too Phil. Please come home. I love you.
From Phil: I can't Dan.... I can't come home no matter how much I want to.
To Phil: why not? It could be like it never happened. Phil please!
From Phil: two months after the night I moved out I got piss wasted and well... I got this girl Nora pregnant. I can't just leave her... I don't love her Dan but I have to stay for the baby. I want to be a good dad.
To Phil: do you want to be with me?
From Phil: yes so fucking much
To Phil: tell her the truth Phil. tell her you love me! tell her you'll still be around and father the baby but you want to be with me....
From Phil: okay I will. I'll do it right now
Dan waits at least an hour for Phil before he falls asleep. He sleeps until the morning when he is awaken but his front door open and closing. Dan believes it's a murder or rapist until he looks for the time on his phone and sees a text message from Phil. It's eight am.
Missed text message from ten hours ago
From Phil: I'm coming over in the morning
Dan, hurriedly, fixes his hair in the mirror and put on a pair of skinny jeans, leaving on the black shirt he wore to bed. He gives himself one good look in the mirror and inaudibly mumbles, "You got this," before walking out of his bedroom.
In the hallway, is the most beautiful man he has ever seen. His one and one true love. His soulmate, Phil. Dan stands frozen just looking at the other boy and Phil does the same.
"I've missed you so much." Dan finnaly says.
"I've missed you more." Phil says back. The two men get closer to each other almost as if they are checking to see if this is reality. Dan reaches out and caresses Phil's cheek gently. "Can I-"
"Yes." Dan interrupts knowing what Phil was going to ask. Phil leans in and connects their lips in a long awaited reunion between them.
"Will you be my boyfriend again?"
"Like we never split up in the first place." Dan answers with a giant smile then kisses Phil again. The older one of the two pulls out his phone and not too long after he has put it back in his pocket, Dan gets a notification. Phil tweets that Phan is real.
They don't know four months from that moment, Nora will give birth to a healthy baby girl named Sarah. She will leave all parental rights to Dan and Phil before disappearing. A year and a half after that, on their wedding day, Nora will show up and explain that she has terminal cancer and that is why she gave them full custody of Sarah.
They don't know that Nora will die on Sarah's second birthday but Dan and Phil will never tell her. All they will say is that her mother was a very nice girl that gave them the best gift they had ever gotten. And every year, the day after Sarah's birthday, Dan and Phil will go to Nora's grave to leave pink roses.
They don't know that Sarah will be their only child whom they will lightly spoil and treat like a princess.
They don't know that the day after Sarah's sixteenth birthday, she will secretly follow them and they will have to explain everything they've kept from her.
They don't know that Sarah won't talk to them for a couple weeks after they break the news. But she will eventually realize that her dad's did what was best for her.
They don't know that their little girl will grow up and follow in Dan's footsteps by dropping out uni. She will become a famous youtuber just like her dads.
They don't know that Sarah will name her first baby after her mum.
And they don't know that they will die of old age. Dan will be eighty-nine when he dies twenty-two days before Phil.
(a/n) did you like the ending? Let me know angel beans

Phan Drabbles
FanfictionThese are like one shots but 'drabble' is just more aestheticly pleasing to me then 'one shot' is. Warnings will be at the top of each drabble. Some of these drabbles will be/get WEIRD as HECK. THERE WILL BE SMUT. I am (sadly) not perfect. There wil...