Chapter four

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Cassandra's POV.

I felt strong and confident as I walked through the building, my gun drawn ahead of me as precaution. My small fragile hands wrapped around the cold metal handle perfectly.

to perfectly.

I never wanted this, this life. The styles, the dangers, the problems, the fights, everything. I never wanted any part in it. It all sort of came to me, swallowed me up to the hell that is my life.

The constant looking over your shoulder and trust nobody kind of life. No trust is given even when earned..

Never knowing to care about anyone but yourself, not even then at times. The constant reminder that you're weak and pathetic. Weak spots blanketing your body until you prove it otherwise. I've already have.

My thoughts were literally shattered as the familiar sound of bullets whizzing by rang my ears. I quickly snapped back my gun for reload and fired to the man parallel of me.

He went down.

Harry's POV.

My fingers fumbled against one another for what seems to be hours but must've been only 10 minutes at the most. The crystal clear picture of the dark haired girl shooting the man has been replaying over and over again on my mind for the past week.

Yes, week.

Louis hasn't stopped bringing her up and in all honestly, every time he does, it makes me want to tackle him the ground and strangle him. Punch him. Something, anything.

The guilt is eating me inside out, messing with my mind. I felt like I was the small mouse in a game of Cat and Mouse. I felt vulnerable, torn, afraid. I haven't said anything and I could be mistaken or just paranoid but I've seen two guys following me, among the fans. Always wearing the same matching black as we went from place to place.

You can say I'm completely terrified in the situation I involuntary put myself in. I'm scared for my life honestly. I know what these people are capable, in witness the girl put a bullet straight through a mans skull without the slightest hesitation. I didn't want to witness something like that again, much less suffer it.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as my hotel door opened. I could've sworn I locked it. Twice.

"Harry?" Lou called out, her light soft voice a tad but wry as she only stepped in so half her body was in the room. Her hair was hidden in her ratty old beanie that I sometimes stole. She looked tired, worried.

I clenched my jaw as I looked away from her and towards the window I was previously was staring out of, "go away Lou, I'm not in the mood."

I felt her own frustration as she stepped further into the room, footsteps heavy. I grunted slightly as she spoke.


Her voice now lacked softness. It was replaced with sternness and authority. I looked back over to her and glared as she had both hands on her hips.

"I said I'm not in the bloody mood!"

"and I frankly don't care Harry!" She retorted, eyes hard. "I'm here because I'm sick of your lopping. Everyone is. You think we haven't noticed and we have Harry."

Her face slowly flattered as her arms untensed and her features softened incredibly.

"We're worried about you Harry.."

I looked away again and bit back my frustrated tears. "You're wasting your time Lou."

"I have enough to spare," she sighed, walking back to the door and closing it properly.

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