Chapte Twelve

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The rumble was normal, at least normal for me. As I walked through the rough and tuff crowd, I recognized plenty of faces. Some of which I wasn't to fond of or wouldn't mind them being shot down.

"Where are we?" Tomlinson shakily whispered. I couldn't help but smile, the unsteadiness in his voice matched nothing to the one back home. Ironic he's uncomfortable right now. True, this is way out of his comfort zone but it's his bad. I told him not to follow me again but what'd he do?

He followed me.. again.

"Hell," I told him and ran into the crowd. Plenty were already on their designated sides. We base this off the Outsiders basically. Greasers versus Socs. Only difference was it was West Side versus whatever other gang was near and up to fight. Today, we had East Side. Six or seven months ago we fought the Bloods. It was a tie.

"You know the rules," Knight spoke loudly. The bickering and swear stopped among the crowd, everyone looking up at him with either admiration and attention or bitterness and hatefully. I wouldn't take it being up there, having everyone stare me down like that as if they don't enough already. I'd probably gun down everyone who does.

"Who ever runs loses and winners get first pick of weapons and goods." Knight's voice boomed. I shuddered, the play by play that was to unfold wasn't the slightest but humble. The worst we've ever suffered was a loss of 17 members, all had snapped necks. Rumbles are pure hand-on-hand fighting. Weapons of any sort are forbidden.

"Everyone has left their weapons elsewhere, correct?" Axel barked, stirring the crowd up slightly. His voice was deep and firm, straight authority. I loved his voice but his personality was much to soft for my liking. Possibly because he had a sister to look after. Once the waves of assurance passed, the positions and sides were taken.

Tomlinson stood in the middle.

It was insane how different he stood out with the rest of the crowd. We all were hard looking with dark clothing clothing out inked skin that am held plenty of scars from rough fights and such. Everyone here usually carried a gun but we all respect the code of the rumble and leave it outside the gates. It's a hand-on-hand fighting and blades or guns are a immediate lose. I didn't even realize how different Tomlinson was from me, his face warm and love able while mines was daring and threatening. He carried an expensive phone while I carried a gun.

"Who's that," Axel hissed at me. "And what the hell is he doing here?"

"Followed me. Just call him over." I rolled my eyes. Axel trudged over to Sage and called him over, Tomlinson clearly losing his wits and common sense as he scrambled over to me.

"The fuck is going on?!" He gasped wide eyed.

"A rumble." I smiled.

"Fights- gang fights?" His jaw dropped, his eyes taking in his surroundings. I shrugged.

"It's run day," I grinned deviously at him. His eyes widened but I saw sparks of bright fire of pure excitement in it.

"Are you going to be in it?" He licked his lips.

"Why else am I here?" I rolled my eyes at him, feeling plenty of roaming stares on us. I grabbed his arm sleeve and pulled him behind the stage and into the buildings lobby. We were behind an abandoned factory that use to build airplane parts. I noticed how he was tensed and had a guard up, the way his body enlarged when tensed was eye catching and even more with that look in his eyes. I haven't denied the fact that he's attractive, very attractive. Hot even.

"Why are we going in here?" He whispered, his voice laced with deepness. It was rough and raspy. God damn if only he wasn't such an asshole and priss. Or famous for that matter.

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