Chapter Eight

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----Cassandra's POV----

"Where were you?" Adrian hissed as soon as I closed the door behind me, grabbing the cash from my hand to count it. He licked his thumb as he did, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. He looked up once he was done, his eyes far from satisfied.  

"Where's the rest of it?" 

"He didn't have it," I rolled my eyes, walking into the living room and took off my leather jacket. I felt him walk behind me, his hot breath on my neck. I tensed up as I slipped off my sunglasses.

"What do you mean he didn't have it?" He growled lowly, his hands gripping my hips. I winced as his fingers lifted up my shirt slightly so they touched my bare skin harshly. I knew what he wanted and I wasn't so sure if it'll be something I'll enjoy.

"I mean, he didn't have the money with him. I'll pick it up Friday." I replied curtly, turning around in his arms to face him. He got his haircut today was the first thing I noticed. I then noticed his jaw was bruised lightly, matching the one on the other side of his face. His bruises were nearly congruent.  

"you were supposed to pick it up today," he rasped, his hazel eyes boring into mines. I remember the first time I looked into his eyes like this, nearly two years ago. This man really changed my life. For the better I wouldn't quite say. I'll just say he's kept me safe and hidden. I owe him that much.

"Well I didn't okay?" I sighed, putting my hands on his muscular chest and tried pushing him away but he didn't budge. He gripped my hips tighter, pulling me towards him closer. I sniffed slightly, trying to see if he was drunk or high, sometimes both, but didn't get a whiff of anything. 

"what's up with you?" I asked him, taking my hands up to his face and stroked his cheeks slightly, his unshaven chin ruff. 

"Two-Bit got shot today." He sighed, letting his head fall onto my touch. A pain shot through me at his news. Two-Bit is what we call Michael Derv, a 20-year-old Canadian we named him based off of the book 'The Outsiders'. To those who actually liked reading would read that book, it was quite popular in Westside. We relate to the 'Greasers' back then. Misunderstood and protective. 

We're tuff.

"I'm so sorry baby," I hugged him close to me. His hands left my hips and wrapped around my waist as he hugged me close, nearly lifting me off the ground. I felt him shaking but I couldn't blame him. Him and Two-Bit were together ever since they were 11. They ran away together, hitching on trains, jumping people. They were always together, never more than 10 miles apart.

"I-I could've s-stopped them b-but there were h-helicopters and h-h-he was s-so fa-far," He choked out. I was surprised to say the least. Adrian never ever has ever cried, ever. Not when his old house was burned, not when his father died, not when his sister ran away, just never. 

but now, here he is, crying in my arms over his brother that wasn't his own blood. 

"it's okay baby, it's okay." I tried to sooth him, rubbing my hands up and down his back in effort to untense his muscles that were strained. His grip on me tightened as he walked backwards into our bedroom.

I was laid onto the bed, him hovering over me as he stroked my hair. He was normally rough, looking for something freaky, but tonight.. he was desperate for affection. Something passionate to keep from mourning, something to fill in the warmness in his heart. I was the closest one for that. He pressed himself against me, his body maneuvering to not crush mines yet leave it heated and flushed from contact.

"you're mine, I don't know what I'd do if you'd be next," he panted against my neck and nipped at it. His hands roamed my body, caressing it. "I don't even want to think about it."

"you'll never leave me, right?" he whispered, pulling away from me. He studied my face as I studied his, this encounter was something we've been lacking for a while now. The admitting for each other, the feelings. I couldn't help but feel emptiness in me as I pressed my lips against his in effort to distract myself from his question because in reality..

I didn't know the answer to his desperate question.

----Louis' POV.----

I tossed and turned all night, not able to get any sleep whatsoever. I kept wondering if she was okay. Was she sleeping in a real bed?

She didn't look homeless but looks can be deceiving. She taught me that much.

Does she live with family? Or she on her own? How old is she? Does she have a roommate? Flat or house?  Is she already asleep? 

"Oh my god please help me.." I groaned loudly, shoving my face into my pillow. I heard Liam stir in the bed next to mines. His snoring rather loud tonight but I'll leave that from his training he did. Man was a monster when it comes to working out. 

I sat up in bed, swinging my legs off and stood up, looking out the window. No fans were outside which was a good sign. We had to switch hotels since the other one got thrown over. I sighed against the cool glass, by breath fogging it up slightly. The snow was sure to fall soon when a cold front would turn this blasted rain into ice. Rainy days in London was a daily thing but when winter came, light snow falls daily as well.

A thought came into mind as soon as I looked up to the cloud covered moon, did she have any type of social media profile? I knew her full name now so if I could look it up I'm bound to find something. Something to feed this curiosity that was slowly consuming me from the inside.

I opened up Safari on my iPhone and went onto Google, typing in 

'Cassandra Rodriguez'

is that how you spell Rodriguez? It's Spanish so I have absolutely no clue. What shocked me was when before I could even push enter, the bar had extra words to narrow my search. My breath quicken as I read some of them.

'Cassandra Rodriguez most wanted'

'Cassandra Rodriguez commits crime in NYC'

'Cassandra Rodriguez runs to South America?'

'Cassandra Rodriguez worth $50,000 for turn in'

woah.. the fuck?

Most wanted? Crime? South America? She's worth that much? What the fuck is all of this. I clicked on the first one and it took me onto and FBI website. I was abut press the back button when all I saw was men and women's mug shots when I spotted a blurry picture. A picture of Cassandra.

It wasn't a mug shot but a picture taken from afar, kinda like the ones fans takes of us when we're out. I clicked on it and it took me to yet another page but this one was fully about her. I was begining to sweat when it listed crimes she's committed or involved with. One as recent as to a week ago.. in London. I kept reading and reading until I nearly dropped my phone onto the tiles.

Holy shit she's in a gang. 

and not just any gang...


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