Chapter Nine

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Hey guysssss.

So for the few people who actually read my story, I'll be updating every tuesday/wednesday & friday/saturday (:


----Cassandra's POV.----

I felt the chilliness of the cold air pass over me as I opened my eyes. It was still dark outside, only the light from the street lamps eluminating. I smiled slightly at the fogginess outside, hovering. I loved London mornings like this.

was it even morning?

I flicked my eyes over to the wall clock and groaned silently at the sight it provided. It was not even near six in the morning. You'd think last nights activities would've worn me out like they used to but it really didn't. Maybe a little more than the last times but not by much. He did all the same things he's done before but more slower and more affectionate.

I liked it.

I looked to my left and I felt weird as I stared at the naked body sparwled over our bed. He was slowly turning more and more into a stranger. I used to think I loved this man but in reality, he was my only escape. I no longer cared what he did and where he went. We wouldn't go out or talk anymore. It was just a repeated sex game to have someone at the end of the day. Someone to warm ourselves up.

I was tired of it.

I could easily pack my things up and walk out on him and I have planning on doing it for a while now but I just couldn't. Especially after last night. He needed me now more than ever before. This is the first time ever he's admitted it more than once and meaning it. For the first time in months he said "I love you". Even when I didn't respond to him, he showed me he truly meant it by the way he looked at me, no hunger or lust in his eyes but tender and.. love.

I slipped on his shirt that was on the floor and got up, swinging my bare legs over the bed and onto the coushined carpet. I wiggled my toes a little before getting up, stretching slightly. I glanced back and saw Adrian stir in his slumber, soft snores coming out from his swollen pink lips. I instinctively touched mines and they matched his, maybe more swollen from him biting my bottom one. I smiled slightly at the actions that he was aware egnighted my body to react pleasure meant for him.

Maybe this could work if he'd keep whatever this was up.

I shivered slightly as I walked into our bare kitchen, the carpet turning into tiles that nearly made my toes freeze solid. I need to get back to the states because I would definelty not survive this cold winter. I wrapped my arms around me, cursing at my only clothing choice being his thin wool t-shirt. No undergarments.

I breathed on my hands, desperate for warmth. I wouldn't even dare turning on the faucet. I opened the fridge and looked for my morning remedy. A starbucks mocha frappichino but to my disappointment, I was all out. I groaned slightly slamming the fridge close with a small thud. I was out of it honestly. I walked back into the bedroom and stripped off his shirt for a minute to put on my undergarments. I slipped his shirt back on and grabbed some yoga pants and his hoodie. It was about 5 sizes bigger than me but if I was going out in this weather I need everything I've got. I slipped on some worn out converse and grabbed my house key as well as some of the cash from last night, he wouldn't mind now.

I walked out of our apartment and wrapped the hoodie around me tighter, my breath visible in a white cloud in front of my face. I cursed London all my merry way to the Starbucks. It's to damn early for this but I needed my morning remedy. I can't properly function without it. It's my crack you can say.

I walked into the shop, surprised it was even open at this time in the morning. I noticed two other people in the joint besides the workers. Everyone seemed bundled up and warm in here. I walked up the the little fridge they had and took out three mocah frappichinos. I walked up to the cashier and was reaching for my money when someone spoke up behind me,

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