Chapter Fourteen

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---- Louis' POV. ----

I winced as they wrapped up my arm, the sensitive skin burning under my fresh tattoo. I looked up over my shoulder at Cassandra who seemed calm and relaxed as her tattoo artist did some finishing touches on her tattoo. I was still pretty dumbfounded as to why she wanted a face tattooed on her skin, Marilyn Monroe for that mattered. She was a playboy 'bunny' that slept with married older men and died of drug overdose, what's so fucking inspiring of that? 

"Lou?" Harry coughed behind me. I turned and offered a smile, wiggling my eyebrows as his arm was being wrapped up. His rose came out really sick honestly.

"Thought you wanted it in colour?" I asked him, motioning to his arm.

He shrugged, small smile appearing. "Red roses are so overrated. Black and white vintage is all the rage nowadays."

"Well," I teased my best mate as he rolled his eyes. "With a hipster such as yourself, who am I to question?"

"I reckon you can't," he laughed, eyes squinting. I laughed back whilst sitting down next to him and showed him my tattoo.

"Woah, that's sick!" With eyes wide he carefully held my wrist. "Did it hurt?"

"No, tickled." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Nearly took a wee."

"Should've used to loo before hand then."

"Should've but I didn't even know this was in our planner," I chuckled.

"It wasn't but you're se-friend seemed to have it jot down for us," he rushed, sending me a look. She was now on her feet, looking in the mirror. It came out pretty bloody good honestly, considering it was a portrait and free handed.

"That looks wicked!" Harry whispered excitedly. You could almost hear the wheels turning in that bigular head of his.

I elbowed him roughly in the ribs, "remember, we have to wait a month before we get another."

"Still down understand why we even agreed to that. I mean, it's our bodies." He huffed with annoyance lacing his voice.

I chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Still, I feel like I'd end up fully inked by the end of the year if I don't cut back."

"Very true.."

"You pair of love birds ready to go?" Her voice caused us both to jump. Harry cowered back a little but kept his eyes on her whilst I stood up. She turned before I even got near her. She walked over the counter, handing over crisp notes over, the man taking it gruffly. Harry and I both walked over as well, wallets out. We paid and thanked them all before walking out, behind Cassandra of course.

"Shall we actually go tend our responsibilities or what?" Harry asked quietly, yet bitterly. I understood why he was upset, hell even I was. Missing an interview will backfire sooner or later, it'll come right back and bite us on the arse.

"Yeah yeah, keep your top on," she have him the bird, a playful smile on her lips. Her fake accent literally threw me off every single time it sounded so legitament. I noticed that she gave me a look nearly every single time she talked, a warning kinda look. Reckon is not to mentioanything in front of Harry I suppose.

On the other hand, Harry seems to have warmed up to Cassandra. Instead of walking 20 feet away from her, he's melted down to 10. He's still cautious around her though, every time she stops, he looks around and takes a few steps back. She noticed the first time and I think she's been doing it on purpose the last four times before finally approaching the car.

"You're taking us to the radio station now, right?" Harry asked her, looking the complete other direction whilst doing so. She smirked, walking towards him instead of unlocking the door.

"You're going where ever I take you honey," she chilled, getting really close to him. He nearly fell backwards as he backed up from the street to the walkway.

"We really have to go," I spoke up, frowning at her. She grinned, backing off of Harry who has paled and stiffen more than before. "Now."

"Yeah yeah," she waved at me, chucking me the keys. "Go on, I have something to attend to."

"Uh, want me to come?" I offered, ignoring Harry's menacing glare as he tugged on my jacket. She laughed, taking off her sunglasses for a minute to reajust and I took a step to my right to keep from falling over. Her eyes were absolutely stunning.

"I have to return our car," she winked, slipping her glasses on, and strutted away quickly.

"Stop staring at her arse and lets go!" Harry snapped, shoving me into the car. I tore away from her incredible arse and jogged towards the car.

"Can you at least give it a go to be descret?" Harry turns the engined, pulling out onto the road.

"You can't deny she has an amazing arse." I joke, tensing when he shrugs. We both went quiet while he manuvers through London traffic, speeding towards BBC Radio 1.

Cassandra's POV.

"I really don't understand your need to torch the car." Adrian frowned, his eyes narrowing at me. I roll my eyes and put the keys on the counter.

"Couldn't exactly return it personally."

He watches me as I bring a hammer onto the keys, smashing them into unfixable pieces of metal and plastic. "So.. you decided to light it on fire?"

I give him a look after tossing the scraps away, "pretty much. Any more questions?"

"Yeah, what's up with that guy following you around?"

I ignore his question, putting the hammer back in its drawer and walk into the bedroom. My clothes ae slightly dirty from running earlier. Apperently two guys got caught by the authorities. One got shot. I'm not sure what the crew was planning but an escape plan wasn't possible.

"Are you going to answer the question or just ignore me?"

"Just ignore you." I replied, lifting my shirt over my head. I grabbed a loose plain black t-shirt that I usually wore to bed. I unbuttoned my jeans a slid them off, already much more comfier. I moved away from Adrian when he tried to hold me, exiting the bedroom and to the kitchen.

"If you ignore me, I'll assume the worse from it." He warns, or actually, threatens. I couldn't help but snort, taking a swing of beer.

"Go ahead, I'm fairly sure you already are."

"That's not a good thing, I can already tell you that." He answers coldly, the look growing more intense. I roll my eyes and take another gulp of beer before setting it down and walking over to him, using my knee to part his feet so I could stand between his legs.

"Baby, why are you questioning me?"

"Because that little bastard obviously fancies you."

"Yet, who's the one grabbing my ass right now?" I purr into his ear, trying to get his mind off of Tomlinson. I knew he found me attractive but not to the point Adrian would notice. That meant trouble and trouble wasn't something Tomlinson needed. Or that I needed.

More of anyways.

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