Meeting the family

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A few minutes later, Andrew wakes up hooked up to medical machines and with needles and wires in him with a doctor by his side, but no Olivia.
"Where's Liv?" Andrew asked aggregated "Where's my baby sister? WHERE IS SHE?" Then he almost held his breath at his next dreaded thought, "Please tell me she's not still with that bastard Bradley? PLEASE?!"
"Andrew, calm down. You're foster father was arrested and your sister was placed in another foster home." Dr. Brian Garold assured his patient
Andrew cried angrily and thrashed around in his bed, "NO! NO! No, I'm supposed to protect her. She wasn't supposed to call the cops or open the door for anyone but me."
Brian gave Andrew a sedative to calm him and make sure he doesn't aggregate any of his injuries or hurt himself worse.
Meanwhile at the Adams-Foster household, when Stef and Lena walk into their house with Olivia all their kids are sitting in the living room to greet them and the house is spotless.
Lena looks around, "Wow, the house looks amazing." The she looks at her kids, "Did you guys clean?"
"Yeah we wanted everything to look perfect for when you and mom got home with Olivia." Callie explained
"Wow thanks Cal." Lena replied
"So everyone this is Olivia." Stef introduced "Olivia, this is Brandon, Mariana, Callie, and Jude."
"Hi." Olivia said softly as she waved
Jude got up and walked towards Olivia, "Allow me to give you a tour of the house."
"Th...thanks." Olivia responded confused
As soon as Olivia and Jude were upstairs and Callie and Mariana had gone to do other things, Stef's phone rang.
"Hello? Stefanie Adams Foster speaking?" Stef said when she answered her phone
"Hi Mrs. Adams Foster, this is Dr. Brian Garold, Andrew's doctor. I'm calling to tell you that Andrew woke up a few minutes ago, but I had to get him a sedative because he started freaking out about his sister not being with him." Brian explained
Stef nodded, "Okay thank you, doctor. I'll let Olivia know and I'll bring her to visit tomorrow morning."
When Stef got off the phone, Lena was looking at Stet and then she asked, "Who was that, love?"
"It was Andrew's doctor. He woke up, but the doctor had to sedate him since he freaked out about his sister not being with him." Stef told her wife
Lena nodded, "Welk that's good that he woke up."
"We'll tell Olivia in the morning before taking her to go see her brother." Stef added
"I think that's a good idea." Lena agreed
Meanwhile upstairs with Jude and Olivia.
"So this is your room." Jude said as they walked into a room that was decorated black and white like sheet music and has music notes on the walls.
"Wow, Stef and Lena did all this for me?" Olivia asked shocked
Jude nodded, "Yes they did."
"Wow, no one but pa...I mean Dewy has ever care about me before." Olivia stated
"Well as long as your in this house we'll always treat you like part of the family." Jude explained
Olivia smiled softly, "Thanks. That means a lot to me."
"It's no problem. Me, Mariana, and Callie were all in the foster system. We know what it's like to not feel worthy. To feel like you don't belong." Jude explained
"I'm sorry." Olivia replied sadly "I would never wish that feeling on anyone." Then she added, "Also if it's okay I'd like to be alone."
Jude nodded, "Of course. I understand."
When Jude left the room, Olivia took her pre-paid phone out of her backpack. She only has two minutes of call time left, so she puts the phone back in her backpack and makes a mental note to add more minutes.
Meanwhile in Callie and Mariana's room, Callie is trying to comfort Mariana and reassure her of her fears.
"Mari, moms aren't going to forget about you or love you any less because of Olivia." Callie told her little sister
Mariana sniffled, "But...Cal, what if they do? What if they're trying to replace me? Because I'm older now and I don't really need them anymore."
Callie sighed softly and hugged her sister, "I can promise you that won't happen. Mom and mama will always love you, me, Jude, and Brandon the same no matter who comes into our home or how old we are. They aren't trying to replace any of us. We are always their priority. That's why they told us about Olivia before bringing her home."
"Okay Cal. Thanks." Mariana replied before wiping her eyes "I'm sorry for being so insecure."
Callie shook her head, "Don't apologize. It's okay. I love you, Mari."
"Love you too, Cal." Mariana said with a soft smile
Meanwhile Olivia walks downstairs looking for Stef and Lena.
"Stef" Olivia called "Lena. Stef!"
"In the living room, little love." Stef answered
Olivia ran to where she heard Stef's voice.
"What's up, sweetheart?" Lena asked
"Um....can I....I want to see my brother. Can we go?" Olivia asked
Stef responded, "Oh sweetie, Lena or myself will take you tomorrow morning. I promise."
"But you promised I could see him anytime I wanted." Olivia yelled "You lied to me, Stef. I hate you."
Stef sighed as Olivia stormed up the stairs where she ran into Brandon.
"Hey, watch where you're going. Also didn't my moms tell you no running on the stairs." Brandon told her
Olivia shook her head as she brought her hands up to the defensive stance, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me or tell Stef and Lena."
"Hey, hey, kid it's okay." Brandon said kindly "Liv, can I call you that? Nobody will hurt you here. I promise."
Olivia's face turned red with anger, "You and your whole freaking family need to stop making empty promises." Then she continued running up to her room where she slammed the door.
Brandon stood their looking confused before shaking his head and walking into his bedroom.
Late that night, at the hospital in Andrew's room, Andrew woke up again and looked around the room calmly. He smiled when he saw his sister.
"Hi baby girl." Andrew said with a smile as he tried to pull all his strength together
"Papa!" Olivia exclaimed as she gently hugged him "You're awake."
Andrew nodded and asked, "How are you, baby? Are you hurt? Is your foster family nice?"
"I'm okay, papa. I'm not hurt, but I hate my foster family. They make empty promises. I don't want to go back. I brought my backpack, and I'm staying here until you're better. Then we can run away like we did before." Olivia explained
Andrew nodded, "I'm sorry, baby. And we can definitely run away as soon as I'm all better." Then he gently moved over and patted the space next to him, "Come lay next to me, baby. Just close your eyes and sleep."
Olivia curled up next to Andrew, who started talking to her, "You know, Livvy, before I woke up I saw Ali. She came and talked to me. Told me to keep fighting for you. She told me to tell you that loves you and has been watching over you." Olivia smiled as she closed her eyes and Andrew gently stroked her hair. Olivia is asleep in seconds.
Andrew kisses Olivia's forehead, "I love you, baby girl. Sleep tight."

Hope you enjoy. Comments are greatly appreciated.

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