Drew meets the family

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Upon arriving at the hospital, Olivia runs through the hall and straight to Drew's room. She enters his room and a big smile appears on her face.
"Papa!" Olivia exclaimed as she hugged him.
Andrew smiled and hugged her back, "Hey baby girl, I missed you."
"I missed you too, papa." Olivia replied as she hugged him again.
Drew looked at the two teens beside his baby sister, "Livvy, baby, who are they?"
"This is Jude and that's Mariana. Two of my foster siblings. They're good to me though, so you don't have to worry, papa." Olivia explained
Drew nodded. Then he gave Stef a small smile, "Nice to see you again, Stef. Thanks for saving Livvy and I from Bradley. And thanks for bringing her to see me today."
"It's no problem. I made a promise to Olivia that I would, and I never break a promise." Stef told Drew
Drew smiled softly, "You're one of the good ones, Stef. I can tell."
Stef gave a nod and smiled, "Thank you. I certainly do try." Then she turned to Jude and Mariana, "Alright let's go to the waiting room and give Olivia and her brother some alone time."
"Okay mom." The two teens replied as they followed their mother out of the room.
Olivia looked at her brother, "So how are you?"
"As long as you're alright I'm okay. " Drew responded
Olivia smiled softly, "I'm fine, papa. I really am. They treat me well. Stef is good and so is her wife Lena. Their kids are good to me too. And Lena cooks. She always makes healthy food and it's the best food I've ever tasted."
"Better than the food we used to cook together?" Drew asked pretending to be mad and hurt
Olivia shook her head, "No papa, that's impossible. Your food is the best in the whole entire world."
Drew nodded and gave a slight laugh, "Okay. What did you have for breakfast today?"
"Pancakes." Olivia said "They were so good. It was my first time."
"Well the first that you remember." Drew stated "Mama Alissa used to make pancakes for us."
Olivia looked down sadly, "Oh I don't remember mama too well anymore."
"It's okay. I know you still love her though and she knows you love her." Drew assured Olivia
Olivia nodded, "Of course I love her. She was my mama. And you're my papa. And I love you so much."
"I love you more, baby girl." Drew responds
Olivia laid down next to her brother, "When can you leave the hospital, papa?"
Drew pursed his lips, "I don't know, baby girl."
"Nothing feels the same without you." Olivia told Drew
"I know, but you're being so brave. I just need you to be brave a little longer." Drew explained "Can you do that?"
Olivia gave a nod, "Yes. Of course, papa."
Drew smiled, "That's my brave Livvy. You're growing up so fast. Soon you won't need me anymore."
"Silly, papa. I'll always need you." Olivia laughed
"Oh that's a relief." Drew replied with a sigh. He knew that she would always need him. He had just been joking with her.

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