Olivia and Andrew

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The next day, Stef and Lena call a family meeting to talk to their kids and tell them about Olivia and Andrew.
"What do you need to talk to us about, moms?" Brandon asked
"Mama and I are telling you in advance that we are taking in a foster kid. She'll be home with us later today." Stef explained "Her name is Olivia and she's eleven years old. She'll probably have a hard time for a little bit because her brother is in the hospital."
"How badly hurt is her brother?" Mariana asked
Stef sighed softly, "The injures were so extensive that the doctors put him in a medically induced coma to help him heal faster."
"What can we do to help, mama?" Callie asked
"You can be helpful and supportive. Mom and I would really appreciate it." Lena replied "You can also be nice to Olivia and treat her like she's part of the family, so don't alienate her. Just help her and be there for her when she needs of wants someone."
Brandon, Callie, Mariana and Jude all nodded, "Okay mama."
"We'll help her and you and mom anyway we can." Jude added
"Thanks. Mom and I will really appreciate  it." Lena told them
Stef smiled softly as she and Lena hugged their children, "How did mama and I get so lucky to have such wonderful children?"
Meanwhile at the hospital, Olivia is sitting at Andrew's beside talking to him and holding his hand.
"Papa, if you can hear me please don't die. I need you with me. I need you to protect me. I'm still in the system. You're the only family I have." Olivia cried over her brother
After a few minutes, Olivia sniffled and then looked up toward the sky. She gently wiped the tears from her eyes, "Mama? Mommy? Daddy? If you are up there and if you can hear me, can you please tell Papa.....Dewy to come back to me. I know he is in his body somewhere, but just remind him to keep fighting. Let him know he needs to come back. Let him know that his baby girl.....baby sis needs him."
Outside in the hallway, Stef and Lena are watching Olivia talk to Andrew while they talk with Raphael.
"So how long has she been here?" Lena asked
"All day and night." Raphael replies "She refuses to leave." Then he added, "Those two are my hardest kids to place. They are inseparable. They have a bond that cannot be severed and in my opinion it's unhealthy."
Stef nodded, "You mean the fact that she calls him papa."
"Yeah but can you blame her." Raphael added "These two have been through so much at a young age."
"If I may ask what have they been through?" Lena asked
"Their mother died giving birth to Olivia. Their father died of an overdose a year later. Then their sister died protecting a four year old Olivia and an eight year old Andrew." Raphael explained "It devastated both kids, especially Olivia. She had called her sister mama."
Stef and Lena just nodded sadly as they looked back through the window at the young girl they were about to bring into their home. They couldn't help but feel bad for Olivia and her brother.
When it looked like Olivia was done talking to Andrew, Raphael opened the door and walked in.
"Olivia, it's time to go? Are you ready?" Raphael asked
Olivia shook her head, "No, but I'll never be ready so I guess I should go." Then she kissed her brother's cheek and whispered, "I love you, papa. Get better soon."
Then Olivia walked out of the room with Raphael where she was introduced to her foster moms.
"Olivia, these are your foster moms, Stef, who you already know and her wife, Lena." Raphael told Olivia
Olivia smiled softly and waved, "Hi."
"Okay so are you ready to go, sweetie?" Lena asked
Olivia looked at the curly haired woman a little confused at the nickname, but then she nodded slowly.
Once they are in the car, Stef is driving, Lena's in the passenger, and Olivia is in the backseat, of course.
"So when we get to our house, you'll most likely be greeted by our four children." Lena told the young girl
"Oh....are your kids younger or older than I am?" Olivia asked. She knew from experience that if foster parents had young children she and Dewy would have to help care for the young children. Older foster siblings were usually mean to her and Dewy. Some would even hurt Dewy.
"They're older." Stef replied "Our oldest son is seventeen, next we have our sixteen year old daughter, our fifteen year old daughter, and our thirteen year old son.
Olivia gave a small nod as she sighed softly and emotionally prepared herself from the abuse and ridicule she could face from her foster moms' children.
Back at the hospital, in Andrew's room. He is dreaming about his life and his past with his little sister. The one he calls baby girl.
- Dream flashback: eleven years ago -
Alissa and Andrew are sitting in a hospital waiting room, waiting to be able to see their mommy and meet their baby sister. When their daddy walks in with their baby sister in his arms, the two siblings wonder why their daddy is coming out to them and where their mommy is.
"Would you like to meet your baby sister, Ali and Drew?" Their daddy, Alken asked them
Andrew nodded as he tried to see the baby in his daddy's arms.
"Where's mommy?" Alissa asked
Alken sighed softly, "I'm sorry. She....she didn't make it. She fought so hard to stay for you, your brother and sister, but she died."
"What's my sister name?" Andrew asked not really understanding the meaning of death at the tender age of four.
"Alright Ali, Drew, meet your sister, Olivia Luxlee." Alken told his kids as he squatted to his children's level and showed them their baby sister.
- End of dream flashback -
For a moment the space was black before flashing to the next memory.
- Dream flashback: eleven and a half years ago -
Andrew is on a mother-son date with his mommy, who is three months pregnant.
"So buddy, are you okay?" With having a baby brother or baby sister?" His mommy, Luxlee asked
Andrew shrugged, "I don't know, mommy." Then he asked, "Will you still love me the same?"
"Of course." Luxlee replied "Nothing could change my love for you or Ali."
Andrew nodded, "Okay mommy then I'm cool. I'm excited to be a big brother like Ali is my big sister."
Luxlee smiled, "I'm so glad, buddy."
- End of dream flashback -
Again for a moment the space was black before an all grown up Alissa appeared to Andrew.
"Drew, Drew, you have to listen to me. Don't abandon our sister." Alissa told him "I didn't die protecting you two for you to just leave her. Livvy needs you." Then she added, "Oh and Drew, I love you. When you wake up tell Livvy that mama loves her and has always been watching over her and you too. I love you so much, little brother."
Then Alissa faded away and Luxlee appeared.
"Drew, buddy, my baby boy, I know how much you love your baby sister and I love that you do. I admire the way you've protected and cared for her in mine and your father's absence." Luxlee told her son "Please baby boy, my little man, don't let your baby sister lose the only family she has left. I know you are strong. I know you have the strength to overcome your injuries and wake up. I love you. Mommy loves you so much, but I'm not ready for you to join me, your daddy, and Ali in heaven. Stay on earth and live a full life."
"I see a bright future for you, my son." Alken added at the end of his wife's monologue.
In the physical presence of Andrew's hospital room, his blood pressure and heart rate start to increase a little bit. Andrew's fingers move slightly as he is starting to wake up.

Hope you enjoy. Comments are greatly appreciated.
What do you think will happen next? What would you like to happen next? Do you think Andrew is waking up? How will he react to Olivia not being with him? How do you think Olivia will react when she meets Brandon, Callie, Mariana, and Jude?

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