Where's Olivia?

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The next day when Stef wakes up, she gets ready for the day and let's her wife and kids sleep.
One of the kids, Mariana hears the moment and sneaks out into the hallway then checks on the other kids. She notices that one of the bedrooms is empty. Mariana tries to remember whose bedroom that is and then it comes to her. Olivia is gone. Mariana heads to her moms' room and when she walks in, she goes over to the side of the bed.
"Moms" Mariana whispered "Mom. Mama. Mama!"
Lena jolted up as she was startled by her daughter's voice. Then Lena asked, "What's wrong, bug?"
"Um....Olivia....she's...um...she's gone." Mariana stuttered "She's not in her bedroom and her backpack is gone. I think she ran away."
"Are you sure? Why would she run away? What happened?" Lena asked concerned
Mariana nodded, "Yes, and I don't know why she would. Maybe she wanted to be with her brother."
"Okay well I'll talk to mom and then we'll have a family meeting to discuss everything that happened yesterday." Lena told her daughter
Mariana nodded and then walked back to her's and Callie's room, while Lena walked downstairs to see if her wife hasn't left for work yet.
"Oh good morning love." Stef said when she saw her wife "Did I wake you?"
Lena shook her head, "No, actually Mariana did. She must have heard you walking around and well she checked on her siblings including Olivia."
"And?" Stef asked starting to worry
Lena sighed softly, "Well based on what Mariana told me we have reason to believe that Olivia ran away. Possibly to be with her brother."
"Okay what happened yesterday that would've caused Olivia to run away?" Stef asked but was mostly talking to herself
Lena took a deep breath, "What did Olivia mean when she said you promised she could see her brother anytime she wanted? She said you were a liar and that she hated you."
"At the hospital, when I first told her I'd...we'd foster her I told her that she could see her brother whenever she wanted, but I meant within reason." Stef explained "I didn't think that telling her yesterday that she could see her brother today would cause her to run away."
"Well maybe something else happened." Lena suggested "Should we have a family meeting or just talk to the kids individually because I already know that Mariana has no idea why Olivia would run away."
Stef nodded, "Okay well let's just talk to the kids separately. I'll talk to Callie and to can talk to Brandon. Who ever gets done first will talk to Jude."
"Okay and them we'll meet back up in the living room." Lena added
Meanwhile at the hospital, Andrew is awake and smiling as he watches her baby sister sleep all cuddled up to his side the way they are used to.
Olivia starts to wake up slowly as she sleepily rubs her eyes and mumbles, "Morning papa."
"Good morning, baby girl. How'd you sleep?" Andrew asked
"I slept good, papa." Olivia replied "How'd you sleep?"
Andrew smiled, "Better than I've slept the night before when you weren't by my side." Then he added, "I worry about you when we're apart."
"I worry about you too, papa. I don't want to lose you. You're the only family I have." Olivia told him
Andrew gave a small nod, "I know, baby girl."
Back at the Adams Foster's house in Brandon's room with Lena and Brandon.
"So did anything happen yesterday that might have caused Olivia to run away?" Lena asked "Or did you see some sort of indication in her that might have suggested she was planning to run?"
"Well after she yelled at mom and ran upstairs she ran into me and then immediately put her arms up to defend herself like she though I would hurt her." Brandon explained "I tried to assure her that nobody would hurt her by promising she would be safe her, but then she accused me of making empty promises and ran to her room and slammed the door."
Lena took a breath before nodding, "Thank you, B."
"You're welcome, mama. I hope I helped." Brandon replied
Lena smiled and kissed the top of his head, "You did, and when mom and I bring Olivia back home we need to be careful about making promises to her. I think that's what caused her to run."
Brandon just nodded feeling bad that he had contributed to the reason his eleven year old, foster sister ran away on her first day in the house.
Then Lena left Brandon's room and walked into Jude's room where she heard her wife's voice.
"Hi mama." Jude said when he saw Lena walk in.
"Hi bubba." Lena replied
Stef turned to face her wife, "What's up, love?"
"I've figured out why Olivia ran away." Lena stated
Stef stood up and then stepped out into the hallway with her wife, "Okay. Care to explain to me why our newest foster baby ran away?"
"Both you and Brandon had an encounter with Olivia yesterday. And in your encounter Olivia mentioned a promise you made that she thinks you broke. In Brandon's encounter her assured/promised her that she is safe in our house." Lena explained "Don't you see both encounters contained some sort of promise. Olivia thinks she can't trust our family."
Stef sighed, "This is my fault. I should have been more specific with my promise. I have to fix this."
"How about you fix this together? As a family?" Lena suggested
Stef thought about it before finally giving in and taking Lena's hand into her own, "Okay, love. We'll fix this together. We'll help Olivia see that she can trust us and that we'll never hurt her ever."

Hope you enjoy. Comments are greatly appreciated.

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