Bringing Olivia home again

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When Stef and Lena arrive at the hospital and walk to Andrew's room, they stare through the window and watch Andrew and Olivia for a minute before walking in.
"Hi I'm Stef and this is my wife, Lena." Stef introduced
Andrew just stared at the two women, not saying a thing, but instead protectively holding his sister close.
"I'm not going back with you, Stef." Olivia told her 
Stef sighed softly and gave a small nod, "I'm sorry about what I told you. I should have been more clear. I did say you could see your brother whenever you like, but I meant within reason." Then she added, "I only have two rules to my promise. There has to be someone who can drive you and it can't be too late at night, so anything past seven is late."
"And Liv, honey, you can't go off on your own." Lena said to the young girl "We were worried about you."
Olivia rolled her eyes, "Oh please Lena. Like I said I'm not going anywhere. I don't trust either of you, or anyone in your stupid family. I want to talk to my social worker."
"Can I ask a question?" Andrew asked
Lena nodded, "Of course, bud." 
"Will you.....neither of you will ever hurt my sister, right?" Andrew asked more for reassurance than anything else
Stef shook her head, "No, we'll never hurt Olivia in anyway, shape, or form."
"Too late for that." Olivia mumbled
"And I will spend everyday trying to make it up to you and earn your trust." Stef replied to Olivia
Olivia turns her head away from Stef and looked at Andrew questioningly.
Andrew gave a small nod, "Go, baby girl. It's okay. They seem like nice people."
"No!" Olivia shouted as she hugged Andrew. Then she whispered, "Papa, please don't make me go. I don't want to go."
"It's okay, Livvy. The doctors will discharge me soon. It's okay. I'll be back with you soon." Andrew assured his baby sister "Can you be a big girl for a little while until I can come?"
Olivia nodded slowly, "I think so, papa. I'll try." Then she turned to Lena and Stef, "I'm ready to go."
Then suddenly Brandon walked into the room, "Liv, I'm so sorry. But I wasn't making an empty promise. You really will be safe in our house."
"Who are you?" Andrew asked as he placed his arm protectively around Olivia
Brandon smiled softly, "I'm Brandon. You must be Andrew."
"I'm sorry, but Livvy's not going anywhere with you people. She's staying right here with me." Andrew said as he looked at Stef and Lena.
"Andrew, I promise you that you and your sister can trust us. We won't hurt her." Lena told the boy
Andrew shook his head, "No I'm sorry, she's staying with me." Then he added, "Liv was right. We need to speak to our social worker. We need to speak with Raphael."
Stef nodded, "Okay I'll call him and tell him to come right away."
It took about thirty minutes for Raphael to come because he got held up with another case. When he walked into Andrew's hospital room and saw the way that Andrew had his arm around Olivia he knew something was wrong.
"Okay Olivia, Drew, what seems to be the problem?" Raphael asked
"I'm sorry, but Liv is not going anywhere with those people. I won't allow it and anyways they already broke her heart by breaking a promise." Andrew explained
"But they apologized." Olivia added
Raphael sighed softly, "Okay what is the real problem with the family, Drew?"
"It's the couple's son Brandon. I don't trust him being around Liv. I don't want her going to their house with me to protect her if needed." Andrew explained
Raphael took a deep breath, "Okay look, Stef and Lena have fostered kids for years and they adopted three kids. They wouldn't be aloud to foster if anyone in the family was abusing the foster kids. They are a good family and a safe, loving home. I promise Olivia will be safe there, Drew."
Andrew stared at Raphael for a moment before looking at Olivia, "Will you be okay? Did anyone hurt you last night? Like physically?"
"No." Olivia replied as she shook her head "Everyone was really nice. The kids cleaned the house without their moms telling them to and one of the kids, Jude showed me around the house."
"Okay so you'll be fine to go back?" Andrew asked
Olivia nodded, "Yeah, but I'll miss you even thought I can visit you." Then she added, "It's weird having to be away from you."
"Yeah it is." Andrew agreed
"Okay I don't mean to interrupt this sweet moment, but Olivia it's time to go." Raphael told her
Olivia hugged Andrew, "Bye Papa. I love you." Then she left and walked out into the hallway where Stef, Lena, and Brandon are.
"Can we start over? Pretend yesterday never happened?" Olivia asked nervously
Lena nodded, "If that's what you want absolutely." Then she smiled, "Hi I'm Lena, this is my wife, Stef and our oldest son, Brandon."
"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Olivia." Olivia replied as she introduced with a small smile. Then she walked over to Stef, took the woman's hand, and walked out of the hospital with her foster family.

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