Chapter 3: Enemies and Their Clan

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Pic of Jessica >

Nadia's pov:

I watched as the brown werewolf from the night before ran off, once again. What did he want? Why did he follow me home? I had a feeling he was the one watching me last night, keeping me on edge all night. I felt like I was prey, like a deer being stalked by a wolf. There was something very wrong here. Something that I may not want to think about right now.

After getting ready for the school day, I grabbed a quick breakfast and ran to catch the bus. The driver looked at me in annoyance - he had to reopen the door so I could climb in, and was not at all happy about it. I looked around me and spotted Jessica, sat comfortably by her mate, James. She waved at me and motioned to the available seat across from them. I looked at the seat, the only seat, and sighed. I had to sit next to Colton, a vampire.

I stood there for a second, debating whether I could just stand in the back, but realized I had no choice. I slumped my shoulders and plopped down to the seat. I shifted uncomfortably as Colton gazed at me with his piercing grey eyes. I edged closer to the aisle and tried to distract myself by talking with Jessica. We were discussing Mr. Morris's hard English assignment when Colton rammed his knee in my thigh.

Twisting around to face him, I glared up at him, even though he couldn't see the angery look on my face - his shaggy unnatural white-blonde hair with its crimson tips was covering his face. I know Colton's not one to be messed with, and not just because he's a vampire, but he deliberately bumped into me, hard.

"Wanna watch what you're doing?" I snapped.

Jessica gasped and placed a hand over her mouth in shock. She grasped Jame's arm in a death grip. "Nadia!" She looked over at Colton, gauging his reaction. She pulled my sleeve, making me lose my balance and have to catch myself. "You shouldn't talk like that to a vampire," she whispered.

I glared back over at  Colton. "Why, he can't do anything?" I caught the smirk that spread on his lips. I straightened myself. "You can apologize to me now," I told him.

With  a quick flick of his head, he flipped his hair out of his eyes and looked down at me with those piercing eyes of his. "For what?" His voice was musical, like every other vampire - definitely nothing special.

"For what?! For bumping into me like that, jerk-wad!" I heard James let out a chuckle as Jessica gasped, again.

"Jerk-wad?" Colton bunched up his eyebrows. He leaned down so his face was even with my own. "Is that really the best you can do?"

Refusing to be intimidated I scooted closer to him, so our noses were almost touching. "Why?" I demanded. "Do you prefer asshole, or son-of-a-bitch?"

Colton looked up, past my shoulder, then back at me. "Maybe the first one, but I believe the second is meant for him." He pointed to James.

James started to growl, his lip curled up into a sneer. "Wanna repeat that, leech?"

Jessica looked on in terror. She pulled james' balled up hand in her lap and pleaded for him to calm down.

"You're bitch wear the pants in the relationship?" Colton taunted. By now we were drawing the attention of the rest of the bus. It was hard to tell what the rumors would be afterwards.

James let out a furious growl and went to jump over Jessica to reach Colton, before Jessica stopped him. Colton went to go after James, but I managed to hold him back. They obviously let us hold them back, two small girls like Jessica and I don't stand a chance of stopping a vampire and a werewolf from killing each other. Though I would like nothing more than to have one less vampire and werewolf in the world, I knew Jessica would be unhappy, and Sarah - my worse enemy and Colton's mate - would have my head served to her on  a silver platter if I was involved with her vamp mate's death.

"Hey!" the bus driver's voice barked from the speakers. "Settle down back there, or I'mma teaser y'all!"

When we arrived in front of the school building, who was waiting by the steps but non other than Sarah and her minion, Clarissa. With a squeal of delight, Sarah shoved past me and jumped into Colton's arms. Clarissa stood back with a look of hope and wanting. It was no secret that she wished she had a mate of her own, and since her "leader" had a vampire for a mate, she wanted one as well.

Jessica said her good-bye to James and walked with me to our lockers and homeroom. "Do you think Mr. Morris will give us a test on this?" she asked worriedly as she took her seat that was in front of me.

"Doesn't he always give tests on the books he assigns us to read?"

"Maybe he'll decide to be nice today and forget the test?" she asked with hope.

Just then, Sarah and her follower walked by. "Someone didn't do their homework, huh, Jessica?" She looked back at Clarissa, who immediately started to laugh and follow Sarah's lead.

"Sarah," I called to her. She looked at me with narrowed eyes. "You forgot your appointment."

She pursed her crimson red lips. "What appointment?"

"The one with your mirror," I stated. "I'm pretty sure it's been over two minutes since you saw it last." Jessica let out a chuckle. "Though, the space your giving it may be good - it might not crack the next time you look at it." Clarissa let out a short laugh, stopping at the heated glare Sarah was throwing at her.

"You think you're so funny, Nadia? Well, you better watch yourself. I've got a mate that will tear you limb from limb if you mess with me." She started to stomp away.

"It's really sad, Sarah!" I twisted in my seat so I could see her behind me. "You're gullible enough to be some dude's personal blood bag."

"Whatever, Nadia."

I turned back around and opened my notebook of notes and opened my book to a random page. I ignored the balled up paper that hit the back of my head and continued to study before class started.

Jessica and I met up in the girls room on the second floor to touch up our makeup during lunch. I was applying a fresh coat of lip gloss when Jessica told me the news.

"You know what the rumors are, right?" she asked.

"What rumors?"

"The incident on the bus?"

"Nope." I smacked my lips and started to fluff my hair.

"Rumor chain has it that Colton was coming on to you and James stepped in to tell him off."

I looked at Jessica in confusion. "Why would they think that?"

Jessica fixed an eye liner smudge. "You know vampires and werewolves can take on more than one mate, if they choose, right? They can have up to five?"

"Really?" She nodded. "That's disgusting."

"It's the way they live, Nadia. Besides, not many do that."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, that's good to know."

Jessica started to tap her nails on the porcelain sink, looking at me i deep thought. "You don't think he was coming on to you, do you?" Before I could protest she continued. "I mean, he did bump you're thigh, and he did get pretty close to you."

I immediately said no to her, but in the back of my mind I had doubt. Colton usually ignored me, why was today any different?

A/N: Sorry that it's rushed. I didn't get the computer until an hour or so ago so I have a lot I have to do, like finish the other stories next chapters.

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