Chapter 5: Dinner With The Enemy

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Even before I got out of bed I knew today was an off day. First, I over slept, even for a Saturday. Second, though it sounds weird, I didn't wake up on my stomach like I usually do. Instead, I woke on my back facing the ceiling.Then there's the silence. It has not been silent in the house since the day mom had given dad the silent treatment. I forced myself out of bed and shuffled down the hall. "Mom?" I called. "Dad?" There was no answer. "Anybody home?!" I finally shouted out. When I didn't receive a reply, I went to the kitchen to fix me something to eat.

I was in the middle of eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich when rapid knocking came from the living room door. "Did you forget your keys again, Andrew?" I laughed out. I took my time getting to the door. When I opened it there stood, not Andrew, but Colton. I stumbled back a foot away. His smile was disgustingly humorous.

"May I come in?" he asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"No," I stated. This was a plus side of vampires - they couldn't come into your home unless they were invited.

Colton dropped his smile and his facial expression became dark. "Won't you please let me in?"

"No!" I went to shut the door, only for Colton to stop it with his foot. I stared at that boot covered foot for what seemed liked hours. How was he able to do that? I slowly looked back up to see his smile back in place. "How'd you-"

"Your parents aren't too good at being careful who they inivit into their house, are they? Just a little makeup to add color to my cheeks and they completely believe I'm human." He shoved his way in and pushed past me.

"What did you do to them?" I demanded. Nobody messes with my parents. Nobody.

His eyes widened in faux innocence. "Mwah?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't do anything."

"What did you do with them, Colton!"

He strutted to the couch and sat, resting his feet on the coffee table. "Don't get your panties all in a twist, Nadia. They're safe. Relax."

"Where are they?" I demanded.

He starred at me hard. "Like I said. They're safe." He got back up and came closer to me. "And they'll continue to be safe, if....."

I waited for him to continue. "If what?" I finally asked.

"If.... You provide me dinner."

I immediately lifted my hand to my neck, covering it.

Colton laughed. "No. No." He said, shaking his head. "I don't need blood right now. Just a good home cooked meal."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Food, Nadia! Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Why don't you have your precious pet, Sarah, make you something? I'm sure she'd be happy to."

He smirked. "She's a terrible cook. I wouldn't even subject the mutts to her concoctions." When I didn't reply, he went on. "I promise. You cook for me, and I'l let precious mom and good old dad go."

I looked him over, not buying it. "How do I know you'll really let them go? Unharmed."

Colton took out a pocket knife from his right boot and cut his right hand open. "Vampire's oath," he said and drew a circle with the blood with a diagonal slash going through the middle.

Seeing no other option, I gave in.

Fallon's pov:

I ran through the misty woods to her house. I could feel that something was wrong. Something was definitely not right. I stayed hidden behind a few rows of trees, her kitchen in perfect sight. Now I knew what was so off. A leech was in her house! I felt anger boil in my veins. If I wasn't already in wolf form, I would of exploded right there and then. I knew this blood sucker well. Colton. I'd recognize that bleach blonde hair and red tips anywhere. The bastard killed my younger sister a few years ago. A deep growl formed in the back of my throat.

The urge to break through the window and tear him to shreds came over me. I quickly pushed it away. If I let my anger control me, I could end up hurting Nadia in the process. A risk I wasn't willing to take. I continued to watch them. It looked like Nadia was making him dinner. It was then that I realized I hadn't eaten all day, and giving them one last glance, I raced deeper into the woods to look for a quick catch.

Nadia's pov:

I fixed dinner quickly and ate almost twice as fast. Colton was taking his sweet time, savoring the medium rare stake. I wanted to shove it all in his mouth all at once, but I knew I couldn't. When we both were finished Colton thanked me. Right before he was about to leave I saw the head lights of my parent's van. I looked over at Colton in surprise.

Shrugging he said, "I told you I didn't do anything with them. They went to the grocery store to pick up a few things." He smiled brightly, flashing his fangs. "Thanks for dinner, Nadia. We should do it again sometime."

Before I could answer back, he disappeared out the kitchen door just as dad and mom came in, carrying a load of bags.

"Hey, Nadia, can you help us with these?" asked dad.

I nodded and grabbed a few from their arms. "You guys were out shopping?"

"Yeah," replied mom. "Oh! By the way, your friend..... Colt stopped by. Nice boy. He helped your dad fix the leaky sink."

"He was in here? Did he say, or do anything?" I asked cautiously.

Mom shook her head. "Nooo. Just helped with the sink. Said he'd stop by later when you were up."

The little bastard lied to me!

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I'll try to make the next chapter longer.

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