Chapter 4: Ember Eyes

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Pic of Sarah

By the time lunch was over, the rumors that Jessica mentioned were twisted and spread throughout the school. Which meant Sarah had got word, and that meant trouble. Now that I think about it, that's all she's good for. I was headed to the bus when I was roughly grabbed by the sleeve of my shirt. Turning around, I came face to makeup overload face with none other than the infamous Sarah.

"What's this I hear about you and Colton practically making out on the bus?!" she demanded.

Well, that's better than I thought it would be, I thought. I guess she hasn't heard the most recent rumor about the "incident". "We didn't make out, Sarah," I sighed in frustration. I smiled at her. "It was just a simple peck on the cheek."

Sarah let out a hiss. Whoa, she's been hanging around her leech boyfriend way too much. She glared down at me - not only was she a few inches taller than me, but on top of that she was wearing heels, something I never wear. "Stay away from my mate," she sneered.

I pushed her hand off of me. "Believe me, I'd like nothing more than to do just that. It was a one time incident - it'll never happen again."

"Yeah," she said with such hate. Scanning her eyes up and down my choice of outfit she said, "It better not." Grabbing Clarissa, she stomped away to her silver lexus convertible.

With a roll of my eyes I proceeded onto the bus. I took the seat in the very back and rested my head against the window. Jessica took the seat in front of me and turned around. "How was the Sarah encounter?" she asked sympathetically.

I sat up. "As expected, I guess."

"She's a vamp's meal on legs, Nadia. Don't let what she says get to you."

"Oh, believe me," I laughed, "nothing she could say to me would get to me."

Jessica shrugged. "You going to the party tonight?"

"Party?" I asked without any emotion.

She nodded. "At James'." With no response from me, she became frustrated. "I've been talking about it all week!"

"Right. No, no, I remember. It's just...."

"Just what?"

I gave her a pointed look. "They'll be there."

"Oh come on, Nadia! Seriously? They're.... They're not that bad." At my raised eyebrow she corrected herself. "When it's not a full moon."

I sighed. "Jessica, you may have switched sides, but.... I'm.... Not." With her crestfallen face I continued. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." With that she turned back around and hugged James as he sat next to her.

When I got home I hid away in my room, blasting the music to the point where the walls shook with the vibration. I took out all my homework to get it done before the weekend truly started. Once it was all finished I made my way to the kitchen and got something to eat. I settled for pretzels and brought the bag up to my room. I sat on the bed for a few minutes, just eating away at my salty pretzel sticks. Sighing, I decided that I had to do something otherwise I'd be bored until I went to sleep. Grabbing up my bag, I went out to watch the sunset in the backyard.

I sat there munching away as the sun went down. Once it disappeared behind the trees, I got up and turned to head back when, when I saw something reflecting light between the trees. I squinted, trying to see what it was, but it had gotten to dark to see. The thought of the wolf that had followed me home came to mind and before I could stop myself I shouted, "Leave me alone!" I had no reply, which was exactly what I had expected, but the light to small light things were still there. It had to be the werewolf. "What do you want?!" My voice held as much anger as I felt.

The lights flickered off quickly and lit up again just as quick. A blink. Now I knew it was the dark brown werewolf. I began to panic. Slowly stepping back the two orbs got bigger which could only mean that the wolf was moving closer. As I stumbled back, my back hit the screen door. I could now see the wolf's large body. It crept low to the ground, dragging its belly along the grass. It shuffled along, as if to show me it meant no harm. I wasn't going to fall for it.

I reached behind me and slid the door open. The wolf paused, watching me with its glowing ember eyes. I stepped backwards and shut the slidding door in front of me, keeping my eyes on the wolf's still form. He didn't get up, just stayed there watching me watch him. I turned and headed back to my room, looking back to see the wolf no longer lying there.

As I was getting ready for bed, I had a nagging feeling to look out the window. Those ember eyes were looking up at me from the tree line. The wolf laid there, front paws stretched out and head lying on top of them. "What do you want?" I mumbled to myself. His ears perked forward. "Who are you?" I wondered. I closed the curtains and went to bed. As I laid there asleep dreams of ember eyes flashed before me.

A/N: Sorry it's really short, next chapter will be longer. I'm not sure when the next update will be, I have to update one story and upload a new one. I'm gonna try to update again either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

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