Chapter 6: Plans

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Pic of Colton.......

Colton's pov:

I returned home after I left Naida's and immediately locked myself in the bathroom, retching up the food she had cooked. Not that it was bad, but my stomach couldn't digest any more of it. After a few dry heaving, I was convinced that it was all out, and left the bathroom, only to see Gavin -self appointed leader - leaning leisurely against the wall.

"What you doin' here?" I gave a nod to show my "respect" and headed down the hall.

He snickered and followed me. "A deranged blonde came pounding on my door, demanding me to tell her where you were."


"Yeah? And what did you tell her?"

"That I wasn't your keeper," he replied. "Now it's my turn." he held out his arm, stopping me, and came around to stand in front of me, eyes hard. "Where were you?"

I cocked my head to the side. "Making some girl's evening miserable. What of it?" I snapped.

Gavin slammed his fist in the wall, creating a deep hole. "If you were anyone else, I wouldn't let you get away with talking to me like that."

I got dangerously close to his face. "Well, I'm not anyone else. Am I?.... Brother."

His eyes flashed with his raising anger. "Who were you with?"

Ignoring his question, I stepped around him and continued on my way. I could feel Gavin fuming at the top of the stairs as I descended them. I went in the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge, and took out a bag of blood.

"Here." An olive toned hand held out a glass to me.

I ignored the offer and tore into the bag.

"So you're just going to drink it out of the bag?" she laughed. "Cold?"

I turned around an shut the fridge door. Veronica stood there, dressed up in her loose tank top and skinny jeans, with ankle boots and many necklaces. She was smiling, like always, and still holding out the glass cup, waving it at me. Her smile brightened as I finally took it from her hand and squeezed the remaining blood into it. She hopped onto the counter and starred down at me.

"You know, he's only worked up, because you missed a meeting while wining and dinning with your newest conquest."

I continued to drink down the crimson liquid, glaring at the wall.

"You shouldn't push him-"

I slammed down the now empty cup. "He's not my leader. I don't need to bow down to his every whim!" I knew that Gavin was still in the house, and could hear me. To tell the truth, I could care less, what he heard, or was about to hear.

"Why are you so angry with him? All he wanted to know was where you were and who you were with." She picked up my cup and dipped her finger i it. Bringing it back out, she had a single drop of blood on the tip, and brought it to her mouth.

"That's the problem. He can't mind his own efing business."

"Hmm, must run in the family...."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

She sighed. "It means that you," she poked my shoulder with her silver nailed finger, "do the same thing."

I narrowed my eyes at her, only for her to do the same to me. After a second, her smile was back and she hopped off the counter and grabbed my arm, pulling me with her.

"Come on, Wes and I will fill you in on the meeting."

We found Wes in an intense campaign game of Call of Duty with Hailey, who was kicking his ass and rubbing it in.

"You won't let my brother win at anything, will you, Hailey?" Veronica asked as she sat right behind her, dragging me along with her,

Hailey cast a glance back, and quickly went back to the task at hand. "Nope. Especially with my shoes at risk of being thrown out."

Veronica lent over and slapped Wes up side the head. "Has having a younger sister taught you nothing?! You don't mess with a girl's shoes! Especially if she's your girlfriend!"

Wes ignored his sister and pressed fiercely at the buttons.

"What happens when you win?" She asked Hailey.

"He has to stay off this thing for a month."

Wes received another slap.

"How many times have I told you that you play video games too much?!"

"Whatever, mom." He received yet another sharp slap from Veronica.

"Booyah!" Hailey shouted, slamming her controller down. She threw her arms in the air. "In your face, babe!" She got up and did a quick victory dance. "So long xbox!"

Wes ran a hand through his air and looked at the screen in defeat. "How about two out of three?"

Hailey bent down and hugged him. "Even if I were to agree, I'd still you beat you." She rose back up and grabbed Veronica for another victory dance.

"The shoes are saved!" Veronica cheered. "Wait." She stopped dancing. "Does this mean I don't get your Gucci's?"

It was Wes's turn to slap Veronica's head. "So what's up?" he asked.

"Oh!" Veronica exclaimed. "We have to fill Colton in on the meeting that he missed."

Wes turned to me, a grave look on his face. "Well, let's just say that you're brother's lost his mind."

"Right," I said. "Cause he hasn't already."

Wes shook his head. "No. I mean, he's got plans, Colt. Like, turn every human to over power the wolves."

This quickly grabbed my attention. "And how does he plan to do this, exactly?"

He hesitated answering. "He met this dude while in Arizona. Supposedly, he taught Gavin how to get into people's homes without being invited, and to "persuade" the unwilling to your every demand."

As he said this, I could only think of one thing. Nadia. Perhaps, I might have some plans of my own.

A/N: Wow, sorry for the wait, everyone. I really didn't mean for that to happen. I hope this ind of made up for it, though I know nothing truly would. Things are really going to pick up now. Should I do more Colton's point of view? Let me know! 'Til next time guys!! :)

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