jimin || rejection

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"What a freak."

"Go somewhere else four eyed freak."

"You don't belong here."

I'm really getting sick of all this. But hey, I'm now improving my way of ignoring them. Besides, its already the last day of school. Heads down, I walked towards my locker. Avoiding any possible eye contact with anyone.

Luckily reaching my locker without an encounter with the school bullies, I opened it and took out my books for the next subject.

I heard some girls scream and squeal, making me turn my head to see what's going on. And when I did, my jaw literally dropped.

It was the one and only Park Jimin, coolly walking on the hall, his fangirls hovering over him.

Who wouldn't like a guy like him?

He's a demigod. He can make all girls swoon with just one hip thrust, he has this angelic voice that would make your heart melt. Did I forgot to mention his undeniably handsome face? He's beyond perfect. He's at that point where every girls at Gayoung High School likes him, and all of the boys envy him. But no one dares to step up on him. He's also stinking rich. And from what I've heard he also has a body of a demigod.

Aish! Here I am again losing my mind because of Park freaking Jimin.

I mentally banged my head so I could get back to my senses.

I admit, I'm one of those crazy girls that likes Park Jimin. But of course, I couldn't just confess like that to him. I'm just a trash next to him. He may not even know someone like me exists in this school.

Besides, I'm not his type. He's into those cheerleaders with shiny perfect hair.

I'm just a nobody.

And before I knew it, Park Jimin was passing in front of me. He turned his head towards me and gave me a wink and damn, my heart just leapt outta my chest.

I had to stop myself from making choking sounds and inhuman languages. I gripped on my chest and turned to my locker to gasp for air.

He freaking winked at me! Park freaking Jimin freaking winked at me!

Heol! I have to write this date down. This is freaking beyond my imagination. He just noticed me!

I was never happier. I came to class with a wide smile plastered in my face. Guess I just can't hide Jimin's effect on me.

"Why are you smiling like that Minji? You're creeping us out." Hayoung whispered, followed by a confused look from her and Jungyeon.

"Park Jimin noticed me." I answered confidently. And I swear they almost fell off their seats.

"Daebak!" Jungyeon exclaimed.

Hayoung flicked my forehead.


"Stop imagining Choi Minji. You'll hurt yourself."
Hayoung said.

I rubbed my forehead. "I am not imagining Lee Hayoung."

"Don't listen to Hayoung unnie Minji. I'm sure that wink isn't nothing. Better confess to Jimin before the school year ends." Jungyeon said, giving me a thumbs up.

"Do what you want Minji. I've warned you."

I stayed quiet. But I have already decided.

I'm going to confess my feelings for Park Jimin.

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