Part 3 Chapter 3

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Patrick's POV:

"Who's alive?" Joe asks eyebrows raising into his fluffy hair.

"Pete! Somthing must have happened but he is alive! I have to find out what happened." I jolt off of the couch and run to my computer I start searching web pages from last year. Aliens may have been able to wipe peoples minds but can they also wipe all traces from the internet?

I feel Joe's hand on my shoulder and hear him sigh loudly. "Patrick what are you doing?"

"Research." I say bluntly hoping he will go away.

"Patrick we need to talk." He says, I sigh loudly and swivel in my computer chair to look at him.

"Talk then, cuz Im busy." I cross my arms and glare at Joe who looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Well you already know I am worried. I just want to know why you think this 'Pete' exists." He does air quotes with his fingers on Pete's name.

"Its a long story Joe. One which I explained to you almost a year ago!" I almost yell the last part my anger bubbling under my skin because this is frustrating.

"Well then tell me again." Joe yells right back and that makes me jump a little. I stare at him in shock and he just glares pulling one of the foot stools closer to sit on.

"Er.. Well fine then I will." I say glaring right back. "After mom's funeral I went for a walk on one of those forest trails. It was dark and I got lost and then something started following me, So I ran but they caught up. It was Pete, who is an alien and originally planned on abducting me." I pause and see Joe give me a very concerned look. " But, uh, I guess his ship crashed so he was stuck there so he let me go but I couldn't just leave him there to die. He looked as broken as I felt so I brought him home. The next day you came over to see if I was okay and Pete tackled you and I told you about how I found him. You told me to name him Pete! So he stayed with me I taught him english and when the FBI found out about him neing an alien we ran away together. I got in a car accident and Pete almost didnt make it. Then we got reabducted by more aliens from his planet they healed him and me and then we got put into these freezing pods and after that I haven't seen him since and somehow I got back here and its a year later and no one remembers anything but me." I say the last part all in one breath getting more and more hysterical by the time I am done. Making random hand gestures and when I finish I suck in a big gulp of air.

Joe stares at me with a poker face. I feel my heart beating faster as I wait to hear what he says. He opens his mouth and takes un a breath but then closes it again.

"Well?" I ask the question hangs in the open air.

"I don't know what to say Patrick." Joe says sitting up and running a hand over his hair. "You can't expect me to believe that story. Especially since I am in it and have no memory of that fact. Also the part where you said that was a year ago when it was just yesterday."

"Joe I don't need you to believe me. I just need you to trust me." I plead and Joe sighs. He stands and grabs his jacket.

"I will try Patrick but seriously consider getting yourself some help." Then he walks out I stare at him as he goes and turn back to my computer. I feel like someone just punched a hole in my chest. I go to type in the search bar but my fingers hover over the keys. I drop my head on the keyboard and sigh loudly.

What if Pete never did exist? What if Im just crazy?

Pete's POV:

The guard with the shift at sunrise often falls asleep on his chair at the end of the hall. There is three cameras in that hallway one of which is turned off at sunrise. One is on the fritz a fact learned by a maitenance guy who has been in here two times this week trying to fix it. Meaning that camera doesn't fully rotate as it should leaving the right side of the hallway in its area blind. The other camera is the problem. It shows the end of the hallway and is fully functional.

Meaning somehow I have to break it without anyone noticing before I can leave. The other problem would be the camera in my cell that is on 24 hours a day. I need to somehow jam the feed to make it loop over the same tape while I escape.

The patrol gaurd comes 10 minutes after the sun is fully over the horizon. Meaning I have to be out of here within that time. Which is not alot of time. My only idea being the ceiling vents which lead into a giant air purifier. Which is highly dangerous because its a giant fan or the equivalent of swirling blades of death.

But if I can make it threw there then there should be a vent that leads straight to the roof. Where I could get off and hide somewhere before making my escape at night when all the outside cameras are either turned off or focused on the windows and doors.

The problem being that they will realize I am no longer in my cell and be on high alert. So the night cameras may not turn off.

Its an idea and probably my best shot. Eventually that camera will be fixed and the gaurd will be fired for sleeping on the job so I have to do this fast. I just need to remember that this is for Patrick.

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