Part 3 Chapter 9

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Pete's POV:

"We are coming up to Earths orbit. We should be able to make a landing within the next few hours." Frank says and I feel excitement bubbling undee my skin.

Nearly three months of flying and now I am only a few hours from seeing Patrick again. I almost want to cry. I hope he is as happy to see me as I am him, my heart aches thinking about him being alone all this time I have thought alot about us meeting again after all this time.

I will go up to his door and knock and then when he answers it he will be so excited to see me he will squeal with joy much like he used to when I tickled his sides when we cuddled. I will pick him up and spin him around and then kiss him, because I missed his soft mouth. I missed all of him, his voice, his hair, his eyes, his everything. I missed what we always did together like watch the human shows and learn different human things.

I just miss Patrick and everything he is. It has been suffocating being in here with the two new lovebirds always hanging off one another and not understanding a spot of english. Which is lucky for me because I can yell at them with human words and they have no clue what I am saying.

I just hope I don't sound like an idiot when I try to talk to Patrick again with full human language conversations. I snap out of my thoughts when the ship rumbles slightly signifying our entry into Earth's atmosphere. I bounce excitedly in my seat as I give the two piloting instructions on how to get to Patrick's town.

It's really strange considering the last time I was landing I had a much different purpose in mind.


I grip at a hand hold on the side of the ship tweaking my armour to fall into the correct position. I scoff when I see the two piolwts struggling to find a place to land. Amutuers. I glance at the weapons rack on the wall wondering if I will need any of them today. Most likely not. I stumble as the ship takes a sudden drop before leveling out.

I glare at the piolets who scramble to keep the ship steady. I notice we are quite close to the ground so instead of waiting for us to land I open the bay door and hop out. Tucking into a ball and forming my armour into a helmet as I sail toqard the ground.

I land in a soft pile of something and quickly stand. I begin walking threw the tall brown and green things around me. I never paid attention when we had debriefing on Earth's items. All I know is that I am hunting the "squishy pink humans" that live in this area. I highly doubt they are really pink because that would be ridiculous.

I scan the forest quickly my heightened senses picking up a heartbeat. I stalk threw the dense foliage toward it. I curse as my heavy boot accidentally snaps a brown stick. I try to pinpoint the heartbeat I heard and its sped up but its getting further away. Crap they must have heard me coming. I quickly follow them as they duck under branches and jump over fallen logs. I didn't know humans could be so athletic at this time of night.

I stay hidden in the shadows cast by the moon I curse silently everytime my boots crunch on the dried brown thin things covering the ground. I know the human can tell I am hunting them. Ots obvious from their smell and how fast their heart is racing. I mean I hope this is a human at least.

I haven't had the chance to get a good look at it considering its bobbing and weaving around so fast. They take a sharp turn and I smile when I see they have cornered themselves. Blocked by a huge fallen mass that creates a wall.

I take a step toward it and curse myself as another loud snap sounds from beneath my feet. Good going 318 really keeping a low profile here. The thing stops for a moment and its eyes lock straight onto me in the darkness. I freeze and hope that they arent really seeing me. But also because I am struck with how the human looks.

It is pale with hair that glows in the silver light they are short but very well built with high cheek bones and plush lips. Its stunning really. I shake my head and try to focus. This isn't a time ffor sympathy its a time for action I am here to collect. The human looses its head covering in the process of trying to climb over the fallen object.

I almost feel bad because I can tell the human is terrified of me. Which is probably a good thing, but seeing the innocent thing so scared almost hurts. I don't know what convinces me to do it but I step toward the human grabbing their head covering along the way. I feel my metal helmet dissolve away from my face revealing it.

Maybe it will soothe the human to know we look alike. Right now they are frozen still with their eyes squeezed tightly shut. I grip their chin and softly place the object back into place on their head.

Which seems to confuse the human because they open their eyes and suck in a qucik breath. I feel my heart flutter seeing the crystal blue-green swirling around their pupil. Its tantalizing. I take a step back distancing myself from them and scanning them over. Humans are the pink things but this creature is not pink. I reach out and touch their cheek ready to wipe the creatures mind of the memory of meeting me when suddenly their face blooms with colour.

A bright pink tinge across their cheeks. That confirms it. This creature is definitely human. I nod to myself in confirmation.

I smile to seem friendly and pull the human too me. They don't try to escape the effects of brainwashing already overtaking them I squeeze them closer and see they are slowly slipping into unconsciousness before finally falling limp into my arms.

A/n yay for double update! Just so you guys know this story is soon going to reach its end.

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