Chapter 2: A Night To Remember

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Ten years later...
Kanan's POV

It had been ten years since Hera and I met. I had made a connection with her that I didn't understand until that one night in my home valley of Moonshine Cove.

"Hi Kanan." Hera greeted to me as I came back from a long day of Alpha training with Hera's father.

"Hey Hera." Hera walked up to me and rubbed her shoulder against mine.

"So how was training?" She asked me as she reminded me of how sore my muscles were.

"Huh, attack training, defense training, surroundings training, a pain in my..." Just then Cham walked up behind me.

"What was that Kanan?" He asked with a sly tone.

"Oh, uh, nothing Alpha, just telling Hera how much fun training is." I started wagging my tail to set a better scene. I heard Hera give a small bark of laughter as her father spoke.

"Mmhm, well while you're doing that, tell her how you fell in the river during stealth training." I felt my fur stand up on my back in embarrassment, as Hera burs-ted out barks of laughter.

"You fell into the river during stealth training?" She stopped to pant then looked at me to see my ears were bent back in embarrassment. "It's okay Kanan. I mistook a skunk for a rabbit once during hunt training."

"You and your mother stunk for days." Cham laughed but then grew quiet after the mention of Hera's mother. I looked to see that Hera was low to the ground and shivering.

"Um, Alpha?" I asked.

"Yes Kanan, and please just call me father." I put my ears back at the remembrance of my father.

"I'm sorry Alpha, but with all due respect, there was only one wolf in all of these woods that deserved to be called that by me." Cham nodded and urged me to finish my question. "May I borrow Hera tonight?" Cham's ears perked up.

"May you what?"

"I'm sorry Alpha, may I take Hera to my home valley, to get her mind off things?" Hera looked at me confused.

"I see no harm in that, go ahead."

Later that night...

Even though my father said never to come here again. I have always come to scope out the place to see if it was safe. I took Hera here because of her father. I know she loves him but even I can tell when she's getting a little edgy.

"So, what do you call this place?" Hera asked me as we walked up to my old den.

"Moonshine Cove." I told her.

"Why is it called Moonshine Cove?" I started to wag my tail as I motioned my way up to the tall rock in the sky. When we got there, I could see the pleasure in Hera's eyes as she took in the beauty of the moon shining on the river in complete darkness with nothing but the light of the moon and stars to light our way.

"It's called Moonshine Cove, because of how the moon reflects off the water," I looked into Hera's eyes as they were lit up by the moon in the sky, "and how it reflects of your beautiful green eyes." She stopped wagging her tail and looked at me with sheer hope in her eyes.

"Hera, ever since I met you, you have been my light and my moon. The way light reflects off your beautiful white coat, the sparkle in your eyes on even the most drowsy days, is something that I can not live without." I wrapped my tail around hers as I now truly know how I feel about the one in front of me. "Hera?" Her tail started to twitch as my bark got caught in my throat. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?" Long moments passed before she pounced on me and started licking my nose.

"Of course I will." And with that I licked her back as we trailed off through the night not to return until dawn.

I hope you guys like this story. And I think all of you know where Hera and Kanan are going, so I'm not going to type that scene if that's alright with you. But please comment and vote if you like this story and if you would like me to continue.

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