Chapter 8: Reunion

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Anakin's POV

Ever since Ezra has given up his parents, and has finally put his loyalty in the Emperors. He has become my son. Ever since the fight Ezra and I have become closer than ever before. He doesn't even remember his parents anymore. Now he was mine, and no one could take him away from me.

"Alpha, the perimeter is secure." My fourth in command stated as I was walking back to Padmé and I's den.

"Good work Inquisitor."

"Thank you Alpha." I watched him walk off into the woods searching for prey.

"Padmé. Where's Ezra? I have to talk to him." I watched my mates head rise slowly from her nap. She yawned and licked her chops.

"I think he's out hunting."

"Do you know where exactly?"

"He said something about a place, where the bright light touches the ground." My heart nearly skipped a beat.

"Padmé, he's talking about Moonshine Cove. How did he find it? And worst of all has he found his mother?"

"Anakin," my mate stood up and walked towards me. "Just let him be. You've already turned him. He's lost everything. You took him from his parents. You killed his father when he was just a pup. Let him have the place that he was born in."

"Never! He's mine now. And as far as you're concerned Padmé, he was born here in Dead Oak Ridge, you're his mother, and I am his father." Padmé looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"Why do you want him so badly! Let him go!"

"Never! I have never had a pup of my own! And he is the most powerful dog I have ever seen. I feel his spirit in the ground every time he walks or runs. He will bring balance to the packs. And soon I will be leader of all the packs."

"So does that mean you won't love your own?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Anakin, I'm pregnant." My heart nearly stopped.

"That's wonderful."

"Yes it is. Now let Ezra go!"


"Anakin, please. I just want it to be us and our pups. Not another pup from another litter. Why do you want him so badly!"

"I already told you Padmé."

"I know there's something else." I sighed.

"I want Jarrus's beta to suffer."

Ezra's POV

    A ran as fast as I could through the forest. My father has had me at home for several moon shifts. I wanted to be free for a while. And I had the perfect spot.

     As I made my way to it, I heard a twig snap from the forest.

"Who's there?" I shouted.

"Ezra? Came a small voice from behind a bush.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Just then, a beautiful dark grey wolf with brown eyes walked out of the shadows.

"Ezra, it's me Sabine. Don't you remember me?" She asked me as she sat down In front of me.

"Nope, sorry." I said. Ashe got up and ran into the woods again. Only to return with two other wolves. White in color. One was beat up pretty badly by the looked of it.

Kanan's POV

When Sabine had said Ezra was near the river. My heart overwhelmed with joy. My tail started to wag. As did my mates. We followed Sabine to the river to see a full grown black wolf.

"Ezra is that really you?" I asked hope lacing my voice.

     "Yes. And who are you?"

     "Ezra. It's your father." Hera said confused.

     "That's a lie! My fathers name is Anakin!" My heart nearly sank. My son was now apart of the dark side of the packs.

     "Ezra he's lying to you. Deceiving you! You're my son! Not him!" Ezra backed away from me l, whimpering and growling.

     "Stay away! You don't want me to hurt you!"

     "You would never hurt me Ezra. No matter what Anakin did to you. You're still my son. And no matter you do to me, you still will be." Ezra stared at me. He looked scared and confused. Then he started running. Sabine, Hera, and I ran after him yelling his name. Trying to get him to come back.


Ezra's POV

     I started running faster and faster and faster. Trying to loose the wolves who claimed to be my parents. I would run to my father, and he would take care of them.

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