Chapter 3: The Little Survivor

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Kanan's POV

     I was passing back and forth from the opening of mine and Hera's den. It's time and I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a father. I continued passing until the highest ranking officer of my pack came to me.

     "Calm down chief. Your worrying to much." I stopped passing and sighed.

     "I can't Zeb. Ever since Cham gave me the rank of Alpha and left, I've had a ton of pressure on my shoulders." He sat down and looked at me.

     "Like what?"

     "Like making sure Hera is safe, making sure the pack is safe, and making sure the Emperors don't attack." I signed. "And now I'll have pups to take care of." He put his paw on mine to try and give me comfort.

     "All you can do, is do your best." I looked at him and put my ears flat on my head.

     "Thanks Zeb. But, what if my best isn't good enough." Just as he was about to respond I heard the pitter patter of little paws and small whimpers of my pups or... Pup. I walked into our den and looked at my mate who I noticed was crying.


"Only one made it Kanan." My ears folded back onto my head as I ran up to comfort her. I rubbed her neck with my nose as I spoke.

"I'm so sorry Hera. But, at least we have one. Our little survivor." I looked down at my only pup. He was black and had little splotches of white around his body. He didn't look like Hera and I, but, that didn't matter, we were lucky to have him.

     "What should we name him?" Hera looked at me and then at our pup. She licked his fur and spoke.

     "Ezra." I licked her face and laid down next to her to watch my son snuggle up against my mates belly.

     "Ezra it is." As I laid my head next to him I whispered in his ear.

     "Ezra, my little Ezra." He licked my nose as we all fell fast asleep to the round crescent moon in the sky.

Zeb's POV

     I peeked into Alpha and Beta's den to look at the newborns. But, all I saw was one. The little survivor has arrived.

     "Zeb what are you doing?" Just then my little sister Sabine walked up to me.

     "Just looking at the little pup of the Alpha's"

     "Huh, they have arrived?" My sister barked as she ran up to the opening and sighed. "Or he has arrived." Her ears fell back on her head as she took in the truth that only one had survived.

     "Yes Sabine, only one." I nudged her neck affectionately as we walked back to our den. "But he will be the strongest out of all of us. You just wait and see."

     "What do you mean by that Zeb?" She asked me as we settled down for the night. She set her head on my neck as I spoke.

     "Just wait and see, little one. Just wait and see." And with that we both fell sound asleep. Not to awaken until morning.

Kanan's POV

     As Hera, my new pup Ezra, and I fell to sleep I heard something out of our den. I got up to investigate, trying not to wake up my family. I walked to the outside of our den and was greeted by the Emperor packs highest follower, Inquisitor.

     "What are you doing here Inquisitor?" The gray dog circled me teeth bared.

     "Oh nothing, just came to see the little runt and his son."

     "Never call my son a... What?" The dark dog smiled evilly.

     "Oh yes we know exactly who you are Alpha." The dog spat out the word like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

     "You're the lost runt of Alpha Jarrus before he was diverted to the Emperors."

     "You're wrong my father would never join the Darkside of the packs." I snapped back.

     "Not even to save his useless runt?"

     "What did you do?"

     "Oh, that is something for you to discover on your own. You should never have come back to Moonshine Cove." And with that Inquisitor ran into the endless night. I walked back to my den, as I rested my head beside my mates, I thought to myself. Is this what my father meant?

Sorry it took so long guys. I was trying to figure out this chapter. Hope you guys liked this. And check out the season three clip of Star Wars rebels it's awesome. You will not believe the changes.

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