Chapter 7: Dead Oak Ridge

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Ezra's POV

After last night with Padmé, I have never felt more safe since I have been with the Emperors. I still felt her long smooth tongue stroking against my back. I have learned to love her as a mother, but she will never replace the one that I lost.

Ever since Sabine escaped, My master has had a constant watch on me.

Zeb has been healing nicely. I just wish I didn't have to attack one of my own.

It's been many moon shifts since Sabine's escape, and I'm worried for her. I am almost a full grown pup now, so I can take care of myself. The only animal I can't handle yet is my master.

"Ezra! Come here!" I hurried over to my master and bowed in the tall grass.

"Yes master?" The dark wolf stared at me with his menacing yellow eyes.

"Ezra ever since I killed your father and took you in as my own. I have grown quite fond of you." I looked at the larger wolf with confused eyes. "Emperors! Fall in!" I got up from my stance as I watched the pack circle around me and my master. "Ezra, do you know why we brought you to Dead Oak Ridge?" I looked worriedly at the surrounding dogs. Trying to confiscate what was about to happen.

"No master. I do not." Just as I had finished, my master lunged at me teeth bared. I quickly dodged his attack, but he lunged at me again on my right flank. I yelped as a sharp pain coursed through my right shoulder.

"Come on Ezra fight back! Fight me!" I watched as the pack slowly moved in on us. I searched the pack in search of Padmé to make her stop this, but she was nowhere in sight. After many painful moments, I finally decided to fight.

"You know what Anakin. I think I will!" I quickly got my feet back onto the ground and arched my back to get my master off of my shoulder and into the surrounding dogs. My master quickly got back onto his feet and bared his teeth as he yelled.

"No one calls me by my first name runt! It's Alpha! Or in your case, Master. Am I clear, Omega?!" That tears it. I bared my teeth and attacked my... no, Anakin.

Anakin's POV

So much power. So much agility. Why shouldn't he be mine? I mean, he surly can't be that idiot Jarrus's pup. He is mine, and mine alone. I just need to give him a little push to give him his full potential.

"Do you know why we brought you here Ezra?" I watched as the dark furred pup looked worriedly around by his surroundings.

"No master, I do not." Now was my time to act. I quickly attacked my student and he collapsed on the ground. His shoulder in between my jaws.

"Come on Ezra fight back! Fight me!" After long moments had passed, Ezra finally spoke up.

"You know what Anakin? I think I will!" And with that I went flying into the surrounding dogs.

I was furious when I got to my feet.

"No one calls me by my first name, runt! It's Alpha! Or in your case master! Am I clear, Omega?" I could tell that that name tore something in his heart. He was turning, and he will soon be mine.

Ezra lunged at me teeth bared, I quickly dodged the attack and started to use that name again.

"Oh, Omega. Do you honestly think that anyone will ever accept you? Omegas cannot have true families. An Omega is just a runt, and the lowest of the pack, and that's what you are, Omega." After long moments of taunting, and heartbreak, Ezra was finally becoming weaker and weaker. "Oh, come on Omega. You can do better than that." I could tell the pup was close. The trembling eyes, the rapid breath, the twitching of the tail.

     It was finished. Ezra cowered in defeat, his dark black coat soaked in his blood from his shoulder. I lowered my head to his eye level as I spoke. "Omega?" Ezra looked up to me. "Who do you serve?" Ezra stood on all fours as he spoke.

"I serve the Emperors."

"And what are you to me?"

"I am your son."

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