Chapter 4: Attack On Moonshine Cove Part 2

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Kanan's POV

     It's been months since Inquisitor came to my edge of the forest to tell me to watch my back. Is this why my father told me to never come back to Moonshine Cove? I was interrupted from my thoughts when my son tripped over my feet.

     "Oops, sorry papa." I nudged his belly with my nose and licked his face.

     "It's alright son. That's enough training for today. Go play with your friends, Zare and Jai."

     "I can't papa."

     "Well why not?"

     "Because they went out with their papa's for fight training."

     "Alright so what do you want to do?" Ezra sat in between my legs and nuzzled into my chest. I licked his black coat as he drifted off to sleep. As I watched over him I noticed Hera was sitting on the rock that we had cherished that one night. She looked... worried. I looked at Ezra who was fast asleep. His black coat shined beneath my white. I nudged his shoulder with my nose as I spoke.

     "Ezra." He looked at me with tired eyes as he yawned.

     "Yes papa?"

     "Why don't you go play with Sabine for a while."

     "But papa she's like three years older than me."

     "You still have fun with her don't you?"

    "Yes papa." I nudged him towards her den as he lick my nose goodbye. I watched him run in the direction of Sabine as I made my way towards my mate. When I came closer to her I noticed she was crying.


     "What's going to happen to him Kanan?" The night that Inquisitor came, I had told Hera everything that I heard. I knew I never should have told her anything. Hera was a very protective mother. And I don't blame her because I was an over protective father. We only had one and we didn't want to loose him. I licked her face affectionately as she nuzzled closer into my fur.

     "Nothing's going to hap..." Before I could finish my sentence, I heard the howls of the Emperors. I turned to Hera who had already rushed in to get our pup. I followed straight after. We ran into the chaos of fighting dogs. The smell of metallic and the sounds of screaming dogs filled the air.

     "Kanan, where's Ezra?"

     "He's over with Sabine. I'll go get him. You get back to the den." Hera was hesitant about my words but she finally excepted it. I ran to Zeb and Sabine's den in search of my pup and the warrior yet to be.



     "Alpha!" Sabine and Ezra came out from the back of the cave. Ezra ran over to me and coward between my legs. Sabine followed but slowly I could tell she was hurt. As soon as she got close enough I could see that her paw was bleeding and her bone was sticking out.

     "Sabine what happened?" I ask the young female as she sat down.

     "Kallus came for Ezra and I had to fight him to keep him safe."she started to lick her paw as I looked for a safe escape route. Blood was flying everywhere. Obi my third in command, was fighting Kallus and was bleeding pretty badly. There was one spot on his shoulder where Kallus had made a huge gash with his claw. Mace my fourth in command was fighting Imquisitor and was winning by the looks of it. And Zeb was fighting the alpha known as Anakin. I finally found an opening, between two trees and down a the little stream that connects to Moonshine Lake.

     "Follow me and stay out of sight." The two pups looked at me in acknowledgment. It would be easy for them for they were both dark in color. But, for me, it would be a lot harder. For I had the coat of my mother. White as the snow on the ground in the middle of winter. Fortunately Ezra had gotten my fathers fur. Black as the black bear.

     We made our way through the two trees. But, as soon as we were about to cross the stream, I felt a sharp pain in my hind leg. The next thing I knew I was thrown into a tree. I look behind me to see Anakin, the alpha. Sabine and Ezra were still out of sight and on the why back to the den. Ezra looked back at me in pure horror. Listen to me son. I'll be alright go back to your mother. Take care of her as I'll take care of you. Ezra felt my warning. As he runs to the den I looked to Anakin.

     "So, the long lost runt has come home." I got up as best as I could but was just pushed back down by Kallus's scull.

     "What... do you want?" I barked.

     "Well it wasn't the same killing your father without his runt by his side."

     "And my mother? You didn't give her a chance to."

     "Well you will."

     "What are you talking about?" Anakin smiled as he barked.

     "Jarrus!" My heart nearly sank as I saw my father walk up to me battered and broken. No.

     "What did you do to him!"

     "I tortured him until he gave me the location of you. But, when I truly believed that he truly didn't know where you were. I kept him alive to see that his sacrifice wasn't enough to save you."

     "Son, I told... you never... to... come back." I looked at my father who had disappointment in his eyes. I lowered my head as I spoke.

     "I'm sorry father." Anakin ended the reunion by telling Inquisitor to step on my injured leg. As soon as he did so, my son jumped out of the shadows.

     "No stop!" Hera came right behind him and tried to push him back in the den. But it was to late. Anakin and Inquisitor saw him.

     "Well, well, well. Looks like we found the runts runt." The Emperors started bursting out laughing but stopped when Anakin did to speak.

     "Now, who dies first?"

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