District 1 reaping

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Diamond Taylor's pov

"Diamond wake up sweetie."  Calls my mother from downstairs.   "Breakfast is ready." The smell of my favourite food wafts into my room.

"Coming."  I yell. 

I walk downstairs still in my pajamas smiling to myself.   I Plop down onto a chair, a pile of pancakes is dropped in front of me. 

"Good morning sweetie. Excited for your big day?" She asks.

"Yeah, I just can't wait to actually get into the games, they always take so long just to send the tributes to arena.  I mean, I don't need anymore training and who cares about those wimps from the lower districts there going to die anyways."  I scoff.

"Good morning everyone."  My dad says.  Smiling sitting in a chair beside me.

"Morning dad."

"So, you promise your gonna get a least 10 kills in the bloodbath?" 

"What if there is no bloodbath?  I mean there's no cornucopia."

"Well then you have to promise to get even more kills."

I laugh as I shovel shovel down the rest of my food.  Racing back upstairs to get dressed. My mother has lain out a beautiful grey dress it goes perfectly with my sliver eyes. I look in the mirror I'm  truly stunning.  My brown hair hangs down below my shoulders, and my eyes tinkle.  Perfect.  Just then the tower clock strikes two signalling the reaping.  Running down the stairs I say a quick goodbye to my mom and dad.   Telling them that I'll see them after the games. The reaping couldn't come fast enough.

Dixie Dynesty  (Escort) P.O.V
I wait proudly on the stage as the short documentary on the rebellion plays. It's exciting enough to have to privilege of being an escort but to be an escort for a good district (one that actually has a chance of winning the games) and actually get some action.  A district that enjoys the games as much as the Capitol does. Especially for a Quell hopefully district one can have a victor this year.  One hadn't had a victor for two years know. But I'm confident that this is the year. I'm torn from my thoughts when the mayor calls my name. Yes! This is where it gets exciting! District 1 applauds as I practically bounce to the to the microphone. "Welcome everyone, to the 100th Quarter Quell.  So without farther ado let the reaping begin!"   The crowd screams excitedly.  "As usual lady's first."  I move to the female reaping bowl digging my hand deep into it plucking out a name carefully.  "Lil-."  I begin but I am cut short by a voice yelling "I volunteer!"

Diamond P.O.V

I march proudly to the stage. A huge smile across my face.

"Hello darling what is your name and age?"

"My name is Diamond Taylor, and I am 18 years old."  I speak proudly into the microphone. I take seat in the reserved chair.  Dixie moves to the male bowl

"Now for the boys." She pulls out a name "Ev-."  Again she is interrupted by a voice.  "I volunteer."  It screams. 

Angelo Rodriguez P.O.V

I sprint onto the stage skipping two steps almost running into the escort when I reach her.  I ignore the boos from the crowd, I wasn't supposed to volunteer, the trainers didn't pick me but I don't care I can, and will win the games. 

"Settle down!"  She tells the crowd. It takes a few moments but they finally settle enough so she can speak.  "Now, what is your name and age darling?"

"I am Angelo Rodriguez, I am 16 years old, and I am going to win the hunger games!" I scream.  The boos grow louder.  I grin.  I spot the boy who was supposed to volunteer.  His names Mo.  He looks like he might cry.  Wimp. He's 18 so next he won't be eligible.  But he had his chance.

"Well you can go sit in the chair next to Diamond."

I sit down, and Diamond glares at me.

"You weren't supposed to volunteer.  You weren't chosen."  She spits.

Looks like it's to late now."  I smirk at her.

She continues glaring her sliver eyes filled with rage. "I'm going to kill you."

For a second I get a little scared but I ignore her "Good luck trying ." I mutter as we are lead of the stage into the justice building.  I am going to win.  I'll show them all.

The first reaping is done! Yay so what did you think? Do you like Diamond and Angelo? Well I'll See you next time. 

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~ _Wish_Upon_A_Star_

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