Chapter 2

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Edited by jas-rea

"Okay class, that is all I've got for today's lesson. Make sure you study because you never know when I will just give out a quiz," He chuckles " And before I forget, you have to write a 3 page ess-" before he can finish his words the bell cuts him off, and everyone hurries to leave.

I am the last one to leave to go to second period because I hate that class, which is history.

Second, third, and fourth period go by like a blur, and now it's lunch. I can't wait because I have something waiting for Miss Perfect, AKA: Britney Blake, 'Queen Bee of the school' apparently.

I'm waiting at the end of the hall for Miss Perfect to open her locker, but she's taking too long. She's just flirting around with a jock. 'Ugh this girl is seriously a hoe,' I think.

"See you after school, Jack, and don't tell anyone about this." Britney says, and now she's heading to her locker with her little slaves. Honestly I feel bad for them because they will do anything for her just to be 'popular'. She treats them like crap though. Now she's putting her combination in and opening her locker and-

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHO DID THIS?!"she whines with blue ink all over her white blouse. That's my cue to go over there.

"I wish you could see your face because it's priceless!" I say, laughing, because, come on, she looks like oompa loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

"YOU!" She said pointing her finger to me. "YOU DID THIS, DIDN'T YOU?!" she cries, stomping towards me, but I just watch in amusement at how funny she looks.

"Yeah, I figured why not? It's my last year here, so I might as well make it fun. You're my second to last person to pranked. And, come on, it's pretty funny, don't you think?" I say, leaning against a locker, just watching her walk towards me. I mean, I'm not afraid of her.

"Why do you think you run this school? You're not even pretty. I mean I'm gorgeous, and you're You see," she says, walking closer until she was face-to-face to me, "I run this school, and I don't need a slut to get in my way." After she says that, she tries to hit me. Key word: tries.

"You see," I say, grabbing her wrist away from my face, " You think that everyone will follow what you say and do what you want, but let me tell you something, Blake. I. Don't. Listen. To. Sluts."

And with that I push her towards her slaves, while she stumbles and leave her in shock, because no one has stood up to her, until today.


It's still lunch while I'm just roaming the halls because of two things: one, I don't have friends, from past experience they just end up being fake bitches, and two, the lunch at this school is horrible.

As I'm walking, a message comes over the intercom. "Ariel Vercetti, please come to the principal's office immediately, thank you!"

Great now we have a little snitch, and I wonder who that is... Oh, wait, I already know; it's Tiffany, Britney's slave. She's always does what Britney says; like, she will snitch on you only if Britney tells her, so I am pretty sure Britney sent her to tell.

As I'm walking towards the principal's office I see Britney and Tiffany walk out. Great.

"I would make sure next time you know who runs this school, you little bitch," she says, and bumps my shoulder hard, but when she did she's the one that stumbled not me.

"Ah, Ariel please take a seat," Mr. Cory, the school's principal, says.

"I was going to anyway," I retort.

"Okay, I don't need you to have a smart mouth right now. I need to know why you made Britney's locker an ink bomb," he says.

"Um, because it's funny and she was my second to last person to prank," I says with a "duh" implied in my tone.

"No, I mean why did you do it? It's your last year here. Ariel, I didn't expect you to start doing this again in the second semester of the year."

"Because, like I said when I pranked you, I want to remember this year for more than just working through my last year of high school. So can I stop explaining myself or do you need more excuses?"

"No, because I already called your parents." Great. "And if you get caught pulling one more prank, I'm going to have to take away your lunch and make you spend it here for the rest of the year. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," I mumble.


"I said yes, or do I have to fûckin say it again?"

"No you're free to go, but I'm serious, Ariel, I will take your lunch away."

"Yeah, yeah see you soon, Scott."

"It's Mr. Cro-" I didn't let him finish because I am out of there. Let's get this day over with because I have to see what Mr. Fatface said to my parents.

Just great.


There you guys go, I made this chapter a little bit longer .

How do you guys think of Britney?

Well just wait till the next chapter. Bruce will come up soon.

[ew. Just ew] < future self again

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

 Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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