Chapter 27

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Bruce's P.O.V;)

My father died 3 months after the prank on his car. I didn't know he had a tumor until he was on his death bed in the hospital. That is why I hate those things.

But Fûck him! He was fûckin some slut than spending time with his family. I didn't go to the funeral, but my mom did. She knew about his "whores" but she still loved him. I didn't really feel sad when he passed because I lost the love from him along time ago. But my mom said that he would come home with the migraines too, but he would smoke weed to get rid of the pain, so that's how he died.

Now I know that I have this life threatening tumor in my head, and there's a possibility I can survive from this. But the question is, can I afford it?

Once those words left his mouth, everything went mute. I could only see Ariel burst into tears, the doctor trying to calm her down, but why would she? I could die. The love of her life could leave her with his child.

I was confused, because this all seems like a dream. I feel like I would just wake up any minute now, but this is reality. And it's a bîtch.

Dr. Clark is showing me some numbers on some papers, while Ariel grabbed my hand and squeezed it really tight. I saw his mouth move but I couldn't hear any words. I looked back at Ariel and see her paying attention to him and using tissues to clean up her tears. I didn't want to make her cry. If I knew she was going to cry I would've made her stay.

Finally all of this comes crashing to me and I can hear everything.

"-and we made a call to your insurance and they said they would cover it. So we would like to start in two days, so we can get everything ready. Ok?" He said while getting out papers for me to sign.

"Would he make it through the surgery?" Ariel said while cleaning her nose and rubbing little cycles on my hand.

"It all depends on Bruce." He said while looking at me.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded when he asked some more questions or I only sighed. He told me to come back tomorrow so I can spend the night there and the can start the next day right away.

We soon left and Ariel said she would drive, I didn't refuse only nodded and gave her the keys.

We drove in awkward silence waiting for one of us to cut the ice. No one did.

When we got to the apartment, I walked straight to our room and locked myself in it before Ariel can come in.

She softly knocked and tried to open the door.

"Bruce? Can-can I come in?" She said in a low tone.

I didn't answer only went to the bed and laid in my back.

"Bruce please. You have to have someone there with you. Just plea-"

"Just leave me alone Ariel. I just want to be alone right now." I said while cutting her off.

"O-oh o-ok. Well... I would be down stairs if you need me."

I turned on my side and just thinking about how I could die any time.

I guess I better make this life worth it.


I got up from laying down for 30min and got my keys and my jacket, and made my way down stairs.

Ariel saw me from the couch and quickly got up.

"Where you going?" She said while dusting off some popcorn off her shirt.

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