[edited] [complete]
'Shit,shit,shit,shit,hide,hide,hide,find somewhere to hide,hide,hide,there run faster FUCK!!!' I ran so fast to the janitor's closet and can hear my heart beating in my ears perfectly.
'Just breathe,breathe,breathe' I said to m...
I opened my eyes but quickly closed them. The sun was beaming straight through the curtain. I opened my eyes again and closed them and did that till my eyes adjusted to the light.
When my eye finally adjusted to it, I took them time and looked around.
A hospital bed.
I'm on a hospital bed.
What am I doing here?
I looked to under the blanket because my whole bottom of my torso was soar.
My baby bump.
My baby bump was gone but replaced with fat.
Really fat? I can't be skinny again?
Then it all came back to me. BRUCE WAS AWAKE! I delivered our baby, and passed out.
Why did I pass out?
I look to my right and see another hospital bed with Bruce on it. He sleeping peaceful and snoring alittle. I chuckle and the look to the left. Rose. She's here? Why is she here?
I unwrapped the blanket from my body and slowly climbed out of the bed. I made my way to the bathroom. Once I closed the door slowly, I looked at myself.
Wow. I look like crap.
I had bags under my eyes, I lost some color on my cheeks, my hair is a mess. I just look like I woke up from the dead.
I did my business and walked out. Once I walked out I was pulled in a tight hug.
I know these strong arms.
I didnt hesitate to hug back. I hug him really tight like he was going leave me again. We broke apart and looked in each other eyes. He eyes was glossy and my heart tighten at the sight of him hurt.
He brought his hand up and wiped my cheek. I didn't know I was crying. A few tears slipped out of his and I quickly wiped them away.
He had one arm snaked around my waist while I had one on his chest. I couldn't wait anymore so I grabbed his neck and pulled him down and made are lips connect.
We kissed so slow and kissing like it was our last kiss. Are lips moved in synced. We broke apart but had are forehead together.
"I almost lost you." Bruce's said in a whispered.
"But you didn't. I'm here." I whispered back.
"You died Ariel. You died right In front of my eyes." He said while his voice crakes at the end.
I died? When?
"What are you talking about? I'm right here breathing." He pulled apart and walked me to the bed. We sat down and I turned to look at him. He grabbed my hand and started.
"When you delivered, you... You lost so much blood, that your heart gave out. That's when you thought you passed out, but really you died. The doctors pushed me out of the room, and made me watch you die right in front of my eyes. I couldn't do anything. I just watched you fighting to breathe. The doctors they...they kept doing electric shock on you, but you weren't responding to it. The doctors were about to give up, but I broke the glass and made my way in the room. I told them they can't give up. They just can't. I told them they're not going anywhere until your heart started to beat again. It took 30 tries Ariel. 30. I was scared that you weren't going be here for our baby. I won't be able to live without you Ariel. I just can't. I didn't give up on like you didn't give up on me. Once the doctor got a heart beat from you, they hooked you up on some extra blood to get your heart pumping blood everywhere. They told me I couldn't be there when you're recovery from the delivery, but I put up a fight and now we have the same room to recover. The nurses said to call them once you wake up so you can see are baby boy. Hes healthy. He weighs 7 pounds and 8 ounces. Zachary Trey Roberson." Bruce said with a huge smile on.
I smiled through the tears. I can't believe I died and came back alive.
Bruce got up and pressed a button and a nurse came in. He talked to her and she nodded. Then she walked out.
Rose got up and we talked but we were crying for most of the time. The nurse came back with my baby. She made me go on the bed and made sure I was comfy. She place Zach on my arms and walked out.
Bruce was on my side and looking at Zach with some much love and happiness in his eyes.
Rose was crying and she said she would come back and let us be for a little bit.
"Hey little guy." Bruce said while grabbing his little hand. Zach smiled and Bruce smile grew larger.
"He has your eyes." I said to Bruce. And he did. He has them exactly the same as Bruce's. Light grey.
"He has your nose."
"He's perfect." I said while giving him a kiss on his tiny forehead. He made alittle baby noise that was the adorable thing I ever heard.
"I love you." I said while kissing Bruce on his nose.
" I love you too."
We spend some time looking at Zach and then he soon fell asleep in Bruce's arms.
He was on the couch next to my bed and I was slowly dosing off.
"My baby boy. My little fighter." That's the last thing I heard then fell asleep.
Bruce's P.O.V ;)
Zach. My little fighter fell asleep in my arms.
I can't even express the feelings I'm feeling. I look at Zach's sleeping face and see him smile in his sleep. My smile nevered left my face.
I'm a dad.
Hello. It's me.
Well how are you guys?
Good good. Anyway, you happy Ariel is alive? I am! And how Bruce cried trying say the story. 😭 I'm done. And baby Zachary! Awwww!!!! Their family is adorable! Anyway see you guys soon!
(1 more chapter left!) (NOOOOO!)
[ *sips tea* ]
Book IG: friesbeforeguy101
Anyway see you guys soon!! SS
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