Chapter 13

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Ariel's P.O.V<3

What the fûck did I just do! What is wrong with me! Was I caught up in the moment? What was I doing? I didn't even think. I just did it! I fûckin kissed BRUCE! Well I didn't kiss ,kiss him. I kissed his cheek! BUT STILL! I-I- oh my god. I don't even know what to do now when I see him! Fûck I'm falling to hard for him.

I made my way towards my room but not before I got stopped by Sam.

"Where were you at?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"I was hanging out with a friend." I said not even looking at him.

"Why?" He spat.

"Ugh. Because I can?" I said holding back my eye roll.

"Well don't. And go get me some more beer." He said while he slurred his words slightly.

"What the fûck. No go get it your self if you want it." I said while walking pass him. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"No because that's why your here so go get it." He said while his breath stank with alcohol.

"No." I spat. I tried to ya k my wrist back but he held it tighter.

"No?" He raised an eyebrow while smiling.

"Yes no. Now" I said pulling my wrist back, out of his grip. "I'm leaving."

"No." He said while he went to grab my wrist but I moved and he fought my hair instead. "Now go get it NOW!"

"Fûck yo-" I didn't get to finish because he punched me on the side of my face next to my eye.

"NOW! Or I will do it ag-" I didn't let him finish because I punched him back and grabbed he's head and pulled it towards my knee and I heard a crack then I kicked him in his balls.

"FÛCK YOU! LEAVE ME THE FU-" he punched me in the stomach then punched me in my ribs then slammed my head on the wall.

I didn't go down without a fight so I got up even if my head was throbbing in pain. I punched him is his ribs, the his face, his balls, his back then punched his throat. Tip always go to the throat. He was on the ground
struggling to breathe.

"FÛCK YOU!" I said then made my way towards my room while holding on the wall for support. I locked my door then I put my chair under the door knob. I made my way towards my bathroom and stripped my clothes off till I was in my bra and underwear. I took a look at myself. I already had a huge bruise on the side of my ribcage, one on my stomach and a black eye forming on my right eye. My bruises are starting to start look blue-ish purple. I touched my ribs to see if they were broken but I hissed in pain. I touched it again but slower, but nothing than bruising.

"Why can't I have a normal life? Why do I have to do this by myself? Jasmine why did you have to leave? I need you and you left. It's my fault you left, and you know it too. I just miss you and how are family was before all this crap."

I made my way towards the shower and hopped in. I was just letting the warm water hit my back even if it hurt. I was probably in there for an hour just thinking of nothing. Blank. Empty-ness. Completely empty.

That's how I felt. I felt like if I was gone, no one would actually miss me. Because my dad doesn't even remember my sister. My mom hardly remembers I'm here endless I go up to her. I know I made some friends, but you act like they can't move on and get a new one. So what am I doing here? Why am I here?

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