Chapter 28

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Ariel's P.O.V <3

Looking at Bruce talking to our baby and rubbing my stomach, I wanted to tear up because I know he's going to be a really good father.

When Bruce went out today, I called every one. I told them what happen and they said they are getting here as soon as possible.

I still don't know where they lived at, but I will just ask then when they come here. They asked where we lived and I told them but I told them that we would be at the hospital the next day.


I'm helping Bruce pack for the doctors today. I don't know if they wash their clothes over there so I'm just packing extra you know. I'm really scared and nervous. I just want my baby to be ok. I had shaky hands and with shaky hands and folding clothes it's really hard. I took a huge breath and then exhale, but jumped when arms wrapped around my waist and stomach.

Admittedly I knew they were Bruce and turned around. He gave me a sad smile and I started to cry. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him like he was going to leave me for ever.

"Shhhh. It okay. I would be fine. Shhhh don't worry. I won't leave." He said while kissing my head and rubbing my back. I nodded and pulled away, but he still had his arms around my waist.

"Ok." I whispered then leaned in and kissed him. We broke apart and he had a sad smile on. I have him one back and went back to packing his clothes.

Once we were done we went down stairs and I started to make him some pancakes before we left. He started to make some bacon but he hissed.

"What happen?" I said while flipping the pancake.

"Fûcker. " he hissed again "I was placing the bacon on and the fûcker popped grease on me." He said while rubbing his arm.

I tried to contain my laugh but he was making funny faces so it just came out.

"It's not funny."

"Yes. Y-yes it is." I said while laughing and placing the pancake on the plate.

"Whatever. You sh-" he tried saying but got cut off with the door bell and a knocking.

"Who's that?" He said while turning of the stove. I just shrugged my shoulders but then heard the front door bust open.

"IM HERE BÎTCHES!!!!" I heard the voice I can never forget.

"YESSSS!! WHERE IS MY HOMIEEEEEE!!!!" I heard another voice say.

A automatically knew these two voices.

Don and Dylan.

Bruce turned to me with a confused face and turned back to the kitchen door that slammed open.

"OMG ARIEL! LOOK AT YOU!! YOURE HUGE!" Don said while running to me and giving me a tight hug.

"Oh. Now I know what Bruce has been doing." Dylan said while wiggling his eyebrows." You where getting down and dirty huh?" He said while slapping Bruces back.

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