Chapter 3

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"So you're telling me, that in trouble for pranking queen bee of the school?" My mother asked.

"Yup. Pretty much." I shrugged

"That's my baby girl!" My mom said giving me a high five. My mom used to do a lot of pranks in high school and on my dad before they got divorced. So most of my prank ideas were from her.

"So tell me how you did it. Please I want to know how my baby did this without my help."

"Well remember when you did the paint bomb on dad when he open the door?"


"Well I used the same timer you did with the paint I was just so lucky when she came on time to open her locker, so yeah that's how it went.

"Oh my goodness! My baby girl is growing up so fast without her mama's help no more!!" My mom is really cool when she doesn't come  home from work and go straight to drinking or getting high. All that happen when she meet Sam. Yeah...he made my mom do drugs and start to drink. Before she didn't even what to touch those things, but I guess everything doesn't go to plan.

"Yeah well I'm going to to the store because I have something really good for Mr. Bad boy if you know what you mean." I said wiggling my eyebrows and chuckling.

"Oh my. Please take a picture of his face please!" She said laughing.

"I will don't worry."


"That will be $82.05 please."

I gave him a hundred and left and grabbing the bags full with a lot of pink spray paint and glitter and to top that there's a big pink bunny.

"Miss you forgot your change." He said when I was almost out of the door with his hand out with the change.

"Keep it."


"And there that's should do it." While I dropped the pink spray paint. I started to grabbed the pink glitter and dumbed it on all the wet paint. I grabbed my phone and took a picture and sent it to my mom. And for the finishing touch I grabbed gorilla glue and glued on a pink bunny on the seat and glued the paws on the handles. "Oh I almost forgot." I went in my back pack and grabbed the black spray paint and wrote 'Ariel's bîtch!'

"Ahh this is truly the best prank I ever did." I said dropping the paint can and grabbing my stuff and walking over to the side of the school and waiting till 4th period bell ended so Mr. Bruce comes out.


The bell just went off and juniors and the seniors were coming out of the front doors to go out to eat, but everyone went to Bruce's bike might I add it was black Harley Davidson bike. Everyone was taking pictures of it and laughing when they read 'Ariel's bîtch'.

Finally Bruce and his 'crew' which is Dylan, Andrew, and the twins Victor and Vince came out. They were talking like dumbass about how they got some girl to give her innocence to Dylan. I mean that's fucked up if you ask me but hey, they're fûck boys so I don't know what they do with their lives.

"Get out of my way I need to go get FOOD!" Bruce yelled but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his bike. His face was
P R I C E L E S S!! Every one turned quiet and stared at him.

"Dude you didn't tell me you liked pink. I mean now I think you're gay but hey I always wanted a gay friend." Dylan said patting his back.

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