Chapter 8

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"Glade to see you awake love. How was your sleep?"

"Really you're asking me how my sleep was? You do know you knocked us out than letting us go to sleep on our own?"

"Yeah, but if I asked you to come with us and sleep in the car would you do it? No, you will keep on fighting and throw a fit so might as well knock you guys out."

"Okay then. What do you want Roberson?"

"Oh nothing, we are just going to make you say you love me and Vince would be on camera, recording and then post it for a prank." He said with a little boy smile.

Is he really serious? Does he not know how to prank?

"Are-are you sure that's a prank?" I asked with a question look.

"Yeah, because come on the 'bad girls' saying I love you to two bad boys, wouldn't that ruin your guys reputation?"

"So you want us to say I love you to you, and you want Paulina to say I love you to Vince?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." He said patting Vince back, while Vince had a smile that reached to the end of his face. I looked at Paulina and she just shrugged her shoulders, and I turned back to Bruce.

"Fine we will do it but I want to eat first."

Bruce looked at the boys and Dylan looked at him with puppy eyes and rubbed his stomach. 

Bruce just rolled his eyes and sighed."Fine."


"I will take a Big Mac with a large Dr. Pepper." Dylan said while winking at the cashier. She rolled her eyes and went to take the rest of the boys order.

"Bruce, me and Paulina are going to the bathroom." I didn't let him give me a answer and pulled Paulinas wrist towards the bathroom.

"Do they not know how to prank? I mean come on, 'say I love you on camera?' I thought they were better than this, because they died my hair blue and I thought their pranks would get worse but no it's like a joke."

"I don't know, but why do I have to say I love you to Vince I couldn't say it to Andrew or Victor? No, it had to be Vince!"

"Hey you got yours better than me. I have Bruce. Like come I can't have Andrew he's like a little brother to them so it wouldn't affect my name."

"I don't know but lets leave."

And with that we left out the back exit and the boys weren't even paying attention because they were making Andrew go talk to this girl that was sitting by herself.


"Ugh this is taking forever to walk through!" Paulina said while dragging her feet on the grass. We are currently taking a short cut through a field to make it to our side of town where I live.

"Shut up! You said that for like the twentieth time!"

"Well I will say it for the twenty-one time!, THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!"

"That's it I'm calling my dad. He lives around this part of town." I pulled out my phone and started to call my dad. It ring three times and he declined it!

I tried again but this time it rung only one time and it went straight to voicemail! What the fûck he always picks up, why is he not doing it now when I need him the most!

"Ugh he didn't pick up!" I said while putting my phone in my back pocket. I noticed Paulina stopped waking. I turned to her and her face turned pale. I looked to where she was looking at and saw...

The Boys.

Bruce looked furious, Vic looked the same, Vince was just laughing (I don't know why), Andrew looked a little bit relieved, and Dylan...well he was holding up a McDonald's bag and pointing to it and mouthing "we have your food."

I looked at Paulina and saw that she was running toward where we just walked. Oh now she's not complaining? And true friend. Leave me with this problem.

I looked back to the boys and sprinted to Paulina. I can hear footsteps behind me but I kept on pushing forward. I finally caught up to Paulina and we made it towards a shopping center. I don't know how we got here but I didn't question it. We ran towards target and ran towards the clothes aisle and went into a clothing racks and hid inside of it. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop my heavy breathing, I saw in the corner of my eye that Paulina did the same.

I heard the boys running down the aisle and slowed down because they got in trouble by the manager.

"Where are they at? I swear I saw them go this way." Andrew said

"Well they're not here you dumb fûck!" Bruce said.

"Ugh guys I kinda ate their fries when we were running, but then I chocked on it and I dropped the bag on the way in here." Dylan said while rubbing his neck.

"Ok, well they're not here let's go." Vic said and they all left the aisle. I peaked through and I saw that Andrew was staring at me with a shocked face. I put my finger on my lips but that little fûcker turned his head and was about to yell but Paulina ran up and jumped on his back and covered his mouth. He was like thrashing around but she pinched his neck where Vince did to her and he fell unconscious.

We left him there and ran out of the store. The bus stop was like a block away and the bus was about to leave but we were waving our hands like a maniacs to make it stop and finally it saw us, so we jumped on. Once we sat down we looked at each other and laughed.

Now the hard part is, how are we going to prank these boys.


[ these boys need to learn how to prank. Gets some lessons from the girls boys. You'll be fine after that ;) ]

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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