Chapter 17

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Ariel's P.O.V<3

I woke up to a warm feeling around my back and hips. I opened my eyes slowly letting my eyes get use to the piercing sun coming from the blue curtains.

Blue curtains? I don't have blue curtains, I have black.

I took a look at the room I was in, and I saw the walls were dark grey, dark brown wood floor, and the bed sheets were dark blue. I looked at my hips and saw a arm draped on them. Then I slowly followed up the arm to see Bruces face in a deep peaceful sleep. He's lips are slightly parted, and his hair is all over the place, and his cheeks are slightly pink. Then it all came to back to me.

I told Bruce about jasmine.
The car. Ha. The car.
And me crying in Bruce's arms.

Man I bet he thinks I'm weak, then this tough girl now. I hate how people think I'm weak. So I act like a bîtch sometimes to make them not think they can push me.

I kept looking at Bruce's face just admiring it. But I really need to go pee. But I remember today we have school. Fûck.

"Bruce." I poked him in his cheek.

"Bruce." Poke.

"Bruce" poke.


"What Ariel." He said while having his eyes close.

"We have school. And I need to go pee, and you are kinda holding me down." I said while poking his arm.

"Fûck." He pushed me off the bed with that arm.

"Oomph. WHAT THE FÛCK BRUCE!" I said while peaking my head up, and glaring at him.

"What? You said we had school, and..." He looked at the clock then back at me with huge deer eyes "AND ITS 7:59!" He got up and ran to the bathroom, and you can hear the faucet running.

I got up and looked through his closet, and picked out a grey plain t-shirt. I lifted my shirt up, and I was left with my black bra on. I grabbed the shirt and was going to put it on till I heard the bathroom door open.

I froze.

I was like glued on the floor and couldn't move. My mind was telling me to put the damn shirt on, but my arms acted like they were gone.

"Hey you can borrow one of my shirts, or you ca-" he said while looking back up from the floor. "Fûck Ariel." He said while turning away.

My whole body started to work so I quickly put on the shirt.

"Okay. You can turn around." I said while tucking in the shirt because it fitted like a dress. It smelled like him. Its like a really good cologne that you want to cuddle him up and sniff his neck, because that it smell that damn good!

"I-you-I- I'm sorry. I didn't know you were changing." He said while rubbing his neck with a hit of pink on his cheeks.

"It's okay. And is that a blush I see." I said pointing to his face and giggling.

"No." And he walked to his closest


It's lunch right now and all the guys are with us. Vince has Paulina on his lap while Andrew has Steph on his side with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. Vic is talking to Vale while she's laughing and he's smiling at her. Don and Dylan are arguing about what's better,mint chocolate ice cream or cookie dough ice cream.

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