Chapter 1

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((Me: HI GUYS!!! Wow, it feels awesome writing a sequel to Psychology. I was going to end it differently but... meh... you'll just get cliffhangers in this story instead.

Mello: *stretches yawning* I can't believe you put us in the box...

Matt: Yeah... *yawns* My gameboy ran out of battery power...

Mello: *sighs* That's all you think about...

Matt: Pretty much.

Mello: -.-'

Me: *beams* Well excuseeeeee moi, I've been finishing up one shots! I'm half way through one atm and I'm tempted to write a book based on the adventures of Matt and Mello in Whammy's Orphanage... like a spin off from this series! So you guys like the idea?

Mello: Personally I think you should give up and write your fucking stories, but hey! I'm optimistic! *sarcasm*

Me: Thanks Mels! :D

Mello: -.-' My name... is Mello... not.... Mels....

Matt: You sure Melsy?

Mello: THAT'S IT! *dives at Matt*


Me: *sighs, Mello tied to a chair by his waist and Matt pinned to a wall by guards* Sorry about that-

Matt: Sweet, I didn't get beaten up for once!

Mello: Shut your mouth Matty!

Matt: Hey I told you not to call me Matty!

Mello: You call me Melsy, I call you Matty.

Matt: F-Fine, twinkle toes! *glares*


Matt: Well too fucking late Mihael!

Mello: Oh don't you go all 'Mihael' on my ass, Mail!

Matt: Well don't go all Mail on my fit ass, Mihael!

Mello: HA! FIT?! You think you look better than me?! *gestures to my body* Who could resist this?! *glares at Matt* That's it, isn't it? You're jealous! I don't have to work out and I get muscles!

Matt: Pfft, in your dreams Mihael! All you are is a criminal chocoholic... at least I connect with people all over the world and have FRIENDS!

Mello: *face palms* Having. Friends. Through. Xbox. DOESN'T COUNT MAIL!

Me: *sat on a chair watching the boys whilst eating popcorn, looks at the reader* I know I should stop them but thats like trying to stop an explosion whilst its taking place. And meh... free show!

Mello: *looks at Izzy glaring* Lazy bitch...


Matt: Heh, it's no fun when you're being insulted, is it?

Me: *glares at Matt then looks at the reader, beams* So, be prepared for the sequel of Psychology filled with quarrels, danger, lack of chocolate andddd new characters! I hope you enjoy it and here's a debate- who's better? Mello or Matt? The vote is now! The one with the most votes is the victor! The loser... loses their addiction(s) for a whole month.

Matt and Mello: WHAT?! *gobsmacked*

Me: *beams ignoring their shock* You have until... Tuesday 12th November! :D There will be birthday uploads soon, such as Matt, Mello and L's birthdays!

Matt: USELESS FACT OF THE DAY- Did you know L was going to be called 'J'? "I. Am. J." or "I. Am. L."... which sounds better? Up to you.

Mello: -.-' Lets get on with the damn story. If you hadn't guessed already, it involves swearing and a boyxboy word...and Izzy owns nothing except the storyline of this book. I advise you read Psychology first so you understand what's happened. Enjoy.))

Chapter 1

*Six Years Ago (Matt- 14, Mello- 15, Near- 13)*
Matt P.O.V.


The one word I had repeated more than a thousand times since I had met Mello once again slipped past my lips instinctively. I watched as the old man's face contorted with annoyance and rolled my eyes behind my goggles before looking at my DS again. Heh, I bet you're wondering what the hell was going on... right? Am I right? Knew it! I was third for a reason! Umm... anyway, let me explain. I was lay on my bed playing on my DS minding my own business like a good little Whammy boy when the door slammed open. It hit the door hard enough to cause a shake through the room and- being used to it- I didn't even twitch. The teen who had angrily slammed the door stormed into the room like a tornado, knocking things around and kicking things over... before slumping into a swivel desk chair. The chair spun slightly as the blonde sat but he quickly gained control of it.

Then silence.

After about three minutes of silence I lazily turned my gaze to the blonde who was staring at me with an expression that literally said, 'Say something you complete idiot.' So I complied like a very loyal teenage Whammy student who was best friends with the school outcast and bully... wow, I really needed to reconsider my choices of friends (or in my case, friend).

"Hi." I smirked, watching irritation fill my best friend's face. He was like an open book... but that's off the subject. His sharp blue eyes narrowed at me and slowly he clenched his fist. "Hi?" He questioned and I nodded calmly, discretely moving more towards the other side of my bed away from Mello. I didn't want to be caught in a meltdown! Geez! You think I'm stupid or something? "IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?!" Mello bellow-growled, slamming his fist down on the desk. A pencil or two decided to run away from Mello and roll onto the floor. I was surprised I didn't hear a tiny 'DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!' from the pencils from the way they rolled off the desk but you know, normal people don't think of that. I'm not normal. I was dragged out of my thoughts by my best friend. "Well?!"

"Umm... trick question?" I questioned, pulling my DS even closer protectively as Mello glared harshly at me, going tense. He needed anger management but come on... you really think Mel could cope for an hour without murdering the person? Nope. No way. I rolled my eyes and looked at my DS. "Look, Mels-"


"Fine fine, geez." What was his problem? "Take a chill pill, Melsy. What's up? Near again? You know Near is just a bland bastard-"


"-who thinks he is cool and good at everything. You're better than him at everything, you know he fucks Roger right? Thats how he always gets number one. Well, I think it's Roger. It might be Watari. It's one of those old men-"


"-but I can't remember which. Ah well, either way the guy's a uke. I think that's the word. Not sure. It's not like you hear of it often here. Anyway... yeah. You're not letting them fuck you, are you? I'd be honestly worried if you were and get you therapy 'cause you and them have a HUGE age difference-"

"MATTY!" Mello finally got my attention and I slowly looked at him confused. He was silently laughing hard, tears in his eyes and shoulders shaking with laughter. With amusement written all over his posture and face, I smiled as I realised my little rant had cheered up the dickhead. Yes, no punches! I almost fist pumped but realised I'd look weird so instead I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't that funny." I mumbled and Mello didn't answer, only pointed at the door.

"So, I have intercourse with a child?"

Oh fuck.

Slowly I turned my head towards the doorway, my posture becoming stiff. It couldn't be true... no way... I inwardly swore as my eyes met the light eyes of me and Mello's worst enemy number 2- Roger Ruvie. Also known as the guy in charge of Whammy's. "Shit."

"Watch your language... But shit is correct. For your disrespect towards me in that... foul rant, you have a week worth of detentions and you will do Near's chores today along with your own. After all, you insulted him as well." He decreed and looked disgusted just to be talking to me. Heh, why work in an orphanage if you hate kids? I could never understand that man- HEY WAIT! It finally sunk in what he said and I gaped at him.

"No!" And we're back where we started. My eyes gazed upon my game and I began playing again. "It's illogical that I have to do that much work." I tried quietly and Mello snorted before pulling my goggles off of me. My eyes widened in shock as Mello laughed and jumped up, sprinting past Roger and down the nearest corridor. Dropping my DS and jumping off the bed, I trod on empty chocolate wrappers on my way to the door. "Um..." I glanced at Roger who glared at me before moving. After a nod of thanks, I sprinted after Mello.


By the time I found him, I was pretty much dying from lack of breath. Damn Mello and his athleticness. Is that even a word? I don't freaking know, I don't have a dictionary memorised. Though our English pretty much demanded it. Am I going off topic? Where was I? Oh yeah... Mello. We were stood outside the shed in the garden, Mello leaning against it with a cocky smile and myself bent in half pretty much dying. "You ran?" Mello mocked playfully, pretending to be in shock and my eyes narrowed at him. I need better friends. Breathlessly I snatched my goggles out of his hand and put them on again, slowly straightening up. "I only did because some bastard stole my goggles and decided to run outside." I dismissively answered him and glanced around. "Why're we out here anyway?"

Mello smirked, ignoring my insult and looked ahead. "'Cause Ash is out here." He informed me and I rolled my eyes. Oh yeah. Mel's crush. The girl never gave him any attention, showing no fear or interest for my big-headed best friend. In some ways I respected her for it. I mean, all the girls in Whammy's apart from Ash and her 'minions' either swooned or screamed at the sight of Mel. But not her. Four kids sprinted and broke me out of my thoughts as I rolled my eyes. "You and Ash... she doesn't like you Melsy, get used to it."

His eyes narrowed at the nickname before he shrugged it off and his gaze cut along the yard. "Shut it, Matty." My blonde haired friend growled and kept his eyes stuck on the girl. I rolled my eyes once again at him.

"Why are you looking at her anyway? I thought you were gay." Sarcasm.

"Straight as an arrow." He snarled and pinned his blue eyes on my form. I smirked as I came up with a comeback but Mello's hand shot over my mouth. "Without the bent end." I gave him my puppy dog eyes and my best friend scoffed before looking at Ash again. I didn't see what he saw in her. I mean, sure... she was pretty. Every girl is pretty, right? But... she wasn't anything... weirder then the girl I came to Whammy's with. We had joined from the same Orphange to this one... she had always looked out for me, so I didn't really see her any differently then I used to. Her dark, almost black eyes met mine for a second and I felt a small smile lace my lips. Okay, I kind of saw what Mello saw. But she wasn't a Mary Sue or whatever it's called. She wasn't perfect. Pretty much everyone avoided her because of her personality. She was standoffish... she chewed gum all the time, spearmint... she rarely spoke, only when it was important... she had this habit of twirling her finger in her pin straight brunette hair when she wanted to beat the fuck out of someone but couldn't. I watched as she turned to her minions and whispered something. I wish she wasn't so... her. I always knew she'd change... but I wanted the girl I grew up with. Her minions nodded and Ash threw a piece of gum in her mouth before walking over.

"No way!" Mels whispered and I scoffed before reaching in my pocket for my gameboy. I froze. It was always there! The hell did I do with it?! It never left my pocket! I could've sworn I ran out of the room with it! Frustratedly I sighed and turned the way I came. "Where the fuck are you going, Matty?"

"My gameboy-" He interrupted me.

"-Doesn't surprise me. Go. I want to talk to-" This time Mello was cut off, and both of us froze in shock. No one ever interrupted Mello. Not if you valued your life. "Your gameboy fell out of your pocket near the door." My eyes slowly looked at the girl who me and Mels had been staring at before and I pushed my goggles to my forehead.

"Um thanks Ash. You alright?" I asked calmly, making my way over to the door. Sure enough, there was my gameboy. I swiftly picked it up and made my way back over. Two sets of eyes were watching me, one blue one dark hazel. Ash nodded and put her hands in her pockets. We all went silent. "So hi Ash." Mello tried after a couple of seconds and got her attention, "How about me and you go on a walk this afternoon?" She shook her head and Mello glared.

"Not my type." And with that she walked away.

------------------------------------((HELL YEAH I'M A LINE!!))-----------------------------------------------

*Present (Matt: 20, Mello: 21, Near: 19)*
Mello P.O.V.

"Always look on the bright side of life~!"

"Shut up Mail."

"Geez Mihael, what crawled up your ass and died?"

"Your sense of humour."


I rolled my eyes and looked at him. Currently we were sat in the back of the vehicle me, Near, L and BB had brought to save Matt, Sam and Nick. We kind of succeeded... Near and Sam had died, but come on. Two out of three rescued was pretty good. Right? Anyway, Matt wasn't wearing his goggles so I could see his now creepy eyes. One a dull dying green and the other a vibrant green that was full of life. But even though he looked like something from Frankenstein with his greying skin and weird looks, he still found it possible to annoy the hell out of me instead of scaring me or me pitying him. Like at this moment he was beaming at me sarcastically.

"Aww Melsy doesn't like an iccle wittle song?" He teased me and I growled.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Mail."

Matt rolled his eyes. "What's with the use of my real name?" I scowled at Matt and was about to retort when a small shaking figure curled up in Matt's lap. He sighed. "Another nightmare?" The small figure nodded his head and Matt frowned before wrapping his arms around the boy. I frowned along with my best friend and leaned back against a wall. I was growing attached to Nick and it didn't help that for the last week Matt had been going in and out of consciousness. He was finally awake for more than an hour so... I'm not complaining. Much.

"Is Sam in a better place, or is that place filled with carriers too?" Nick whispered, reverting to his childlike side. Matt sighed and closed his eyes tightly. But I had seen something flash in his eyes. Pain. My heart clenched as I saw it and I looked down guiltily. Damn it, I caused that. I hurt my best friend! Just as I was about to sigh, I heard a whisper. Not understanding it, I looked over at Matt and saw his eyes on me. "It's not your fault, Mihael..." He whispered smiling at me slightly then he looked down at Nick. "She's in a better place and waiting for us... the carriers aren't allowed in heaven."

I knew how much it hurt Matt to say that, and I knew how much it affected him to say something religious with his atheist view. But with that in mind... I never felt more proud of him. My little best friend is maturing. Matt glared at me playfully and I raised an eyebrow innocently. "What?"

"I'm not little. And I should punch you for not thinking I'm mature."

I paused for a moment then grinned. "I said that out loud?"

I could've sworn he glared to kill. But all I did was laugh at his expression. Matt was just about to say something when L, who was in the front passenger seat, called out something. Something that would make our journey interesting.

"Girl on the side of the road, should we stop?"

I quickly got up as the vehicle slowed down and peeked over L out the front window. My jaw dropped and I spluttered inaccurately, not making any sense. Matt put Nick on a seat in the back as he had fallen asleep and rushed down beside me. "What?!"

BB spoke up. "An ex-Whammy student, goes by the name-"

Matt and I spoke at the same time.


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