Chapter 12

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((A.N.// Me: Hi! So, sorry guys for not uploading, but I hope you're all proud of me cause...


My results were awesome xD I got A-C in all, which is enough for me to get into multiple Colleges! :D And I got onto the honours course at the College I enrolled at! So all those times of no uploads have been bad... but I've done it! I'm so happy! I dunno how I did it cause I barely revised xD But...

Thankies for your none killing xD

I discovered I don't like camomile tea... And my 7 kittens are CRAZY!! It's a battle to get to the kitchen for food *snivel* xD

None of you should be able to take me seriously right now, I'm head-banging and raving to Narwhals... Well I was, now I'm singing Paramore songs xD


This is the last chapter (I think xD) and I was sat in a restaurant with a little kid next to me as I typed this. Nothing against her or anything but GOD she was starting to annoy me... the little nearly first year/year 7 xD I feel mean...

Mello: You are mean -.-'

Me: D: *heart breaking noise, screen smashing* Wah?!

Mello: YOU HEARD ME! You and your damn meanness! You're a mean person!


Matt: *sighs* Izzy, ignore him. He's PMSing.

Me: *snicker*


Me: Anyway! :D Hope you enjoy, I've wrote and rewrote this chapter so many times... And here's the final result!))

Mello P.O.V.

Two hours later

Fuck me.

When I said we were nearly home, I was exaggerating quite a bit. L approximated two hours ago that we'd be driving for at least another three hours, avoiding herds and having pit-stops now and again so we could all catch some sleep. Those pit-stops didn't fucking happen. Unlike popular belief in the public eye that L was awake twenty four hours a day, kicking criminal butt with his monotonous voice and quick mind, L was actually a pretty lazy guy. He slept a lot, his insomnia only kicking in twice a month. As I glanced in the rear view mirror at L who was still in his awkward sitting position on a seat and fast asleep, I snorted slightly. "Damn lazy bastard." My voice was low so I didn't wake anyone up. It was nearly evening, the day flashing by in the blink of an eye.

Matt looked at me from shotgun with a slight smile as he heard my voice and I graced him with a grin in response. He seemed lighter now we were all together again... but with his eyes encased in those goggles I could barely tell. Saying that, I could barely tell if his carrier that was inside of him was wrapping its distorted fingers around his mind tighter, its decaying touch making Matt succumb to the primal, demonic demands of the thing. But, you know. I tended not to ponder on these things, as there's no point. He can still make someone smile, so even if the carrier did get a stronger hold, he'd still be nothing less than a perfect human to me. He's more human than most bastards anyway.

"Hey Melsy, how about you stop gaping at me like I'm some freak show and get those cold eyes of yours back on the road?" Matt smirked and I jolted out of my thoughts, quickly looking out of the window screen again. It was a nice night if you could ignore the storm clouds that were rolling in from the east, plowing through the normal clouds like cannonballs and destroying them slowly. The road was a clear path, stretching out for as far as the eye could see.

"Don't think so highly of yourself," I snorted, "Just because Maddy and you had a so-called moment." He'd only just come up to the front to join me since Maddy and Nick had fallen asleep. Nick was curled up with Maddy in the back, sucking his thumb in his sleep whilst Maddy had an instinctual arm around the three year old. It had been different seeing Matt laugh at something Maddy said when she was awake, or sharing earphones with her and listening to music from her iPod. I could've sworn the carrier symptoms receded slightly.

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