Chapter 9

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((A.N.// Wattpad on my phone officially sucks, I typed this chapter and it deleted it -.-' Warning- Swearing and hints of Drug use xD

Pointless fact of the day- My prom was on the 25th and I wore a blue dress like Cinderella :D

Author's favourite word of the week- Irked. I don't know why, but I just laugh when I say irked, and walk around my house going 'I'm so iiiirrrrrrrrrrkkkked' XD))

Matt P.O.V.


"..." Dreams and colours swirled around in my head, a muffled voice calling out my name. Ignoring it, I tried to grip onto the memory playing. It was of Sam and I as kids, following Mello around like lost, clueless little puppies. Mello had had his well known scowl splatted on his face and had been grumbling for us to 'go get lives' and stop being 'mother ducking weirdos' whilst Sam glanced up at me with an innocent smile.

"Maaaaatt... Get up..."

"..." I grinned down at Sam in my memory and looked at Mello. I didn't show my amusement. He would've probably punched me, and I didn't fancy that after I had only just met him. Sam giggled and held my hand tighter with her chubby one as she watched Mello walk faster, his small fists clenched and his chin length blonde hair messed up.

"MAIL JEEVAS GET YOUR ASS UP! CARRIERS ON THE MOVE! ON. THE. MOVE!" BB bellowed and I jolted awake, my eyes shooting open to the light of the day. Faintly I could hear Justin snort in amusement and Ash sigh in slight irritation, whilst BB was grabbing my bag. He flung the bag over his shoulder whilst his demonic red eyes stared over at me. Flinching at the brightness of this thing people called day and apparently liked (though I could never understand why. Can you, dear person-overseeing-my-life?) , I quickly sat up and put my head in my hands. "Jackass." I groaned and heard BB laughing. "The hell did you do that for?"

"It's nine o'clock and if we don't move the carriers will kill us." Ash's calm voice stated as she looked over at me. Sometime during the morning she must've tied her long black hair up in a bun. A thin lock fell onto her face and she pushed it behind her ear. I felt a small smile push at the edges of my lips as I watched her, my mind not processing what she had said. Ash looked over at Justin with a cold glare before she glanced at me, concern flashing in her eyes for a second before they became emotionless again. I'll admit Ash was beautiful. There was something about her that was different... she wasn't like other girls. Maddy's face flashed in my mind for a millisecond and I frowned inwardly. I'd only just met her yet... For once, I felt I could protect her. I felt... strong. Like a hero. Yet I barely knew her. I scoffed subconsciously. Two girls, completely different.

BB smacked me hard on the back and I snapped out of my thoughts, wincing and coughing. "Stop daydreaming about the love of your life, Mail Jeevas."

I rolled my eyes. "Love of my life? Who's that then?"

The look BB gave me was full of amusement and mocking. "Mello, of course. I swear if you hadn't been half dead when we got to you, you both would've shared a dramatic moment that is usually only featured in chick-flicks." I snorted at his words and stood up.

"Shame I ain't gay, isn't it?"

BB just laughed and opened his mouth to reply. Justin beat him to it with an overly dramatic sigh. We looked over at him. He was starting to walk down the road, his shoulders hunched up. "Will you both stop acting like children and start walking? We need to be at the next location by nightfall."

I raised an eyebrow. "Next location? How about looking for our group?"

"They're dead, Matt." His voice was cold and he glanced over his shoulder at me. The look in his eyes was enough to make the icy fingers of disgust, distaste and distrust pierce through my skin. The emotions used the new holes to take over me, and I held back a glare.

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