Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Matt P.O.V.

Hungry flames licked the midnight sky, tortuous and angry, whilst the cool evening air was devoured by the heat erupting from the flames. Mouth agape, the four of us- even Justin- were stood there with our eyes wide. "M-Mello..." His name fell from my lips naturally, the name echoing inside of me. With his name, we all snapped out of our shock.

"MELLO! NICHOLAS!" I bellowed their names, launching my self in the direction of the vehicle. I heard BB yell L's real name and Justin yell Maddy's and Ryuk's. My heart thundered against my rib cage urgently, my pulse quickening in despair at the idea of those two harmed. "Oh god, no... NO!!!!" BB caught me and pulled me against his chest by the underarms, panic in his own eyes.

"Calm down, Matt!"

"Calm down!? CALM DOWN!? MY LITTLE BROTHER AND MY BEST FRIEND MIGHT BE IN THERE!" I bellowed the words and struggled more violently against him, "You'd NEVER understand that! All you've ever had is A PRISON SENTENCE!" My eyes pinned on my target- the burning vehicle- as I struggled harder. "Let. Me. GO!!!" I glanced over my shoulder at Ash who was putting a piece of gum in her mouth. "You don't even give a fuck, do you Ash!? Fuck you! FUCK YOU ALL!" I felt all my control slipping, the being inside of me crawling forward. It was magnifying my emotions, cursing me happily.

Fire... blood... food.It came to the realization quickly and I fought against it, fought to save myself and the others.

"NICHOLAS!" I screamed his name in despair, my eyes becoming clouded along with my vision. The more I felt, the more it controlled. And then, I heard it.

"We didn't start the fire," A distant, beautiful voice sang. The creature inside of me hesitated as both of us listened.

"It was always burning,

Since the world's been turning." The singer paused for a moment, as if considering her next words.

"We didn't start the fire,

No we didn't light it..." She trailed off before whispering the last line so quietly I barely heard it, "But we tried to fight it." I span around, looking for the singer.

"Hello?! Who's there?!" I called out, BB's grip loosening on me. After a few seconds of silence, I yelled, "ANSWER ME!" Once again, I received no answer. Tears built in my eyes and I yanked properly away from BB. L, Mello, Nick... Maddy and Ryuk... Maybe it was Maddy, that singer. I shrugged the thought off- she was too shy for that. But a small part of me hung onto the idea, desperate and scared. Maybe, if it was her... that would mean she's alive. And if she's alive...





They'd be alive as well.

Reaching up to grab my goggles, I grimaced when I realised I had left them in the vehicle. Hopefully, L and the others had grabbed our belongings before they scurried out. If they hadn't, they'd be separated from the water and food I had in my bag. Probably the only food and water they could have in that situation. My instincts tingled, trying to get me to go towards the singer- but I stopped myself. It must've been nearly midnight. The carriers preferred the darkness, as the sun decayed their skin into mush. It wasn't safe here... the fire would protect us, but not for long. The light would attract them, but the heat would deter them. Biting my nails in anticipation, I looked at Justin, BB, and Ash.

"I guess we're stuck together then..." I joked, my voice full of false humour. BB and the battered Justin raised their eyebrows at me. Ash just looked at her nails with a look of thoughtfulness on her face.

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