Chapter 2

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((Me: HEY GUYS!!! So, due to the fact there was no votes... the boys can keep their addictions.

Matt and Mello: YES!!!!


Mello: *looks at Matt curiously* Izz?

Matt: *shrugs* Yeah, short for Izzy. Like Melsy or Mel- nicknames for you.

Mello: *glares at Matt*

Me: GUYS QUIT IT! *sigh* Sorry about that. Speaking of the name Mel, last wekk I was told on here by a girl named Mel that my talent of writing was raw and that pretty much I sucked. SO! Honestly peoples- do you think that? The girl was a hacker apparently but the real owner of the account shut down her account after the hacker had been insulting me and rl best friend 4eva- Morganville4eva (see what I did there?). I prefer honesty but I don't really fancy myself as a person being insulted like the girl did to me. I thought I should tell you guys this as I respect you all and my two awesomers who comment loads are so supportive! She was literally a flamer and we had a HUGE argument that has now been deleted. Trust me, it was long :O I don't know why she picked me first to insult, I just worry because she got hold of an extract of one of my books that I haven't put on here. I hope she didn't copy it, if she did I'll be a very sad author :'( If any of you EVER get insulted like I did then talk to me, I'll cheer you up and we can fight flamers together :) I've had one person ask about what happened- Can you hear me, ThePsycho? :O- and I have to say, that's so sweet that you're protective of me and were being really nice about it! :D So, this chapter is dedicated to you and Mello, Mello because of his birthday, and you because you are freaking awesome! :D


There's one update!

The next two!

1- My uploads will be far apart sorry because of family reasons. I don't even want to go school but I'm making myself :) Haven't told any of my friends that. But it's true. I smile and laugh forcefully or instinctively in front of people, this isn't a very happy author :/ BUT DO NOT FEAR! Matt and Mello won't be infected with my depressed-self, AND IT'S THE WEEKEND WHILE I'M TYPING THIS (actually it's Friday)!!!! Though I have homework due on Mello's birthday >.< Bummer. IT'S A FRIDAY THIS YEAR! I might make him cake...

Mello: Belgian Chocolate Cake! *beam*

Me: Now where could I get that from...? *shifty eyes*

Mello: -.-' £2.47 from-


Mello: Did you interrupt me?! >:(

Me: 0.0 No of course not!

Mello: -.-' Stupid woman-

Me: Where'd Matt go? *looks around then looks at the reader* I'll give you the 2nd update in a minute.

Mello: *glares at Izzy* Byotch. *walks out*

Me: *pouty face* THAT'S HOW THEY TREAT ME! *sigh* Well Matt disappeared and Mello walked out on me... so second update! *holds up two fingers* I am currently writing two books for publishing once they're done and I has a question- You guys think I'm ready to write a book for that? Or should I have more practice? If I do get one published, I will put a dedication in it for those people who believe in me so... ya! :D

Matt: *walks back in playing on DS* You gonna get on with the chapter already?

Me: *points at Matt* WHERE DID YOU GO?!

Matt: I visited Sam in the box then got my DS off charge. *smirks then looks at the reader* So, Izzy owns nowt apart from the idea for the book and Nick, Ash is owned by amelie_rech and Maddy (who will appear soon) is owned by ThePsycho. There will be swearing. Italics mean thoughts unless it is between speech marks, emphasis is needed on the words.))

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