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Pegasus was born out of blood and sea foam,
a mythical being created out of death and life.
When an arrogant hero thought too highly
of himself,
he forced the winged horse to
carry him up to mount Olympus.
Of course, it made the Gods angry.
They sent a humble fly to
bite poor Pegasus.
Pegasus threw his
arrogant rider off his back and he was falling.
Pegasus made it to Mount Olympus and
was offered a place in the sky
where he still remains.


What would I give,
to grow a pair of wings.
I would fly up into the
depths of the sky and visit the constellations themselves
if it were even possible.
There's always a risk of flying too high,
getting too confident;
for it's a long way to fall.
But with my wings,
I would run away from the
harsh day-to-day
routine and finally
have the world at my feet,
an atlas between the letters
of my name,
the sky on my shoulders
would be

{an entry for _cerulean's constellations contest based on the constellation Pegasus}

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