sister (i)

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“I want to get lost on purpose.”


“I said, I want to get lost on purpose.”

"Ha, you wouldn't find your way home again."

“I would.”

“Well, I for one wouldn’t want to get lost.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“What's that supposed to mean? I have a sense of adventure. I just don't want to be all wanderlustletsgetlosttogetheralone.”

“You make up a lot of words."

"The Oxford dictionary just missed them out."

"But don't you crave adventure? Don't you have this urge to just get on a bus and keep going, keep walking until you're somewhere you've never bee. Do you not have wonder trapped inside of you?”

“I don't want to be lost. I don't like knowing where I am. Therefore, I'll never seek to get lost.”

“Because I,  your big sister, will always be there to find you?”

“You can’t even find the fridge.”

“Hilarious. Sometimes you don’t mean to get lost, it just happens. Sometimes it’s fun.”

“Or scary.”

“You’re such a wimpy younger sister. Where's the stardust in your veins??”

“Stardust in my veins? Please, are you high? In that case, if getting lost just happens, I’ll wait for you to find me. You always do.”


You would find me, wouldn't you?"


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