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Harry styles: the best thing that happened to his town.

when Harry was around the age of 5, his parents always threw block parties.

they wanted Harry to be old enough to make friends so they waited until he was five to make these block parties.

if you asked anyone on their block they'd say the styles' block parties are the best.

Harry made a friend, just like his parents had hoped for, named Emma.

when Harry was 7, he and Emma would play dress up. it was always played at Emma's house so they only had her clothes. that sparked Harry's interest in this type of clothing.

when Harry was 10, he started wanting to dress just like Emma.

"momma please can you buy me a skirt like Emma's?"

"momma Emma's skirt looks so pretty! can you buy me one?"

no one ever judged little Harry considering he was the light and sunshine of his town and everyone loved him.

Emma loved having Harry wear the same type of clothing she did. she loved having someone who shared her sense of style.

now at age 16, the town is still in love with him and he's as happy as can be.

"Emma! your step dads calling you!"

"will you tell him I'll be there in a second?"

Harry groaned.

he's never talked to Emma's step dad, Louis, before.

"do I gotta? momma told me to never talk to strangers!"

"he's not a stranger Harry! he's my step dad!"

"he's a stranger to me!"

"go tell him I'll be done in a few minutes!"

Harry threw his head back with a loud groan before walking out the room towards Louis downstairs.

"hi um sir. Emma will be finished in a few minutes. I'll also be leaving soon, momma told me to be home by 9."

Harry smiled wide, teeth showing and all.

Louis hummed as he examined the small boy in front of him.

he obviously knew he was 16 . he looked about 4'11. (fixed it bc i accidentally put 4'12 and people be asking if I meant 5ft lmao nope I meant 4'11) Louis thought he was the most adorable human being ever.

"you're Harry am i right?"

"you're right sir! I must be going now, don't want momma to be worried! tell Emma I said bye! bye to you as well mr. Louis!"

Harry walked out with a big smile and left a very infatuated man behind.


hey hi hello

it's short yes I know but wow first chapter

I sorta have big plans for this book

also my 5sos concert is 13 days away I'm gonna DiE !!!!

anyways tell me your thoughts on this and if I should continue :)

hope you enjoyed! :)

lots of love

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