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lmaoo don't have any good pictures (again🙄) here's a convo I had with my sister and I thought it was pretty funny 😂


"Harry, Louis wants to take us shopping, if you want to of course."

"I would never turn down an opportunity to shop. let me get dressed and we can go!"

Emma smiled and left the room for harry to get ready. He dressed into a pair of blue jeans with different patches on them with a black belt and a white shirt with a rose on it tucked in. He looked pretty good in his opinion.

"Emma where's my mascara?"

"Emma's in the car but I could help you find it?"

Harry's eyes widened because, wow, Louis looked good; really good.

"I-uh yeah sure."

Louis smiled and looked around only to find the mascara to be near panties on the floor.

"Uh, I found it."

Louis scratched the back of the neck awkwardly and pointed to where it was located.

"Thank you so much Lou!"

Louis couldn't contain the fond smile that crept onto his face.


it was short yes but I haven't updated in like 10 billion years

this book i think gets the most comments for me to update lmaoo so I did even though this is so short I really hoped you liked it :)

hope you enjoyed!

please tell me your thoughts :)

lots of love
— nayeska 🌈

innocence / larry // disconnected Where stories live. Discover now