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hi it's me and im genuinely sorry if this chapter is bad and short i really wanted to do well with this story but it seems like i can't do as much as i want and I'm not even sure that any of you seriously like this story. I had big plans for this and they all went away smh such a flop

anyway read on :)

also enjoy that cute picture like shoot I'm so cute


"Okay Louis I want to show you this skirt that I've been looking at for a couple days and i want you to tell me your honest opinion on how I look, alright?"

Louis nodded as Harry quickly pulled him into the fitting room telling him to close his eyes so the skirt could be a surprise.

He put his hands over his eyes, smiling at Harry's noises of struggle trying to get his tight pants off in the kind of small fitting room.

"Okay you can look now."

As Louis uncovered his eyes he gasped softly at how amazing Harry looked.

The skirt was tight in all the right places and if Louis was being honest burgundy is really Harry's color.

"You look stunning, love."


Harry sat on Louis' lap only for the purpose of seeing how the skirt looked when he sat down. He didn't want to wait for Louis to get up plus he just really wanted to see how it felt like to sit in Louis' lap.

"W-what are you doing, Harry?"

"I'm seeing how the skirt looks like when i sit down, I don't want it to look weird."

"Why didn't you wait till I got up?"

Harry shrugged.

"I needed the seat and I didn't want to wait for you to get up and you'd be blocking the mirror if you were standing somewhere else."

Louis set his hands on Harry's waist and god did that feel good to do. Harry was so nice and curvy and smooth; Louis wanted to touch him forever.

Harry hummed happily as Louis rubbed his waist slowly. He backed up on Louis unconsciously wanting to get more comfortable. Louis let out a breathy moan of the feeling of harry moving on his crotch.

Harry got up and straightened out the tight skirt.

What a tease.

"Do you like it daddy?"


lmaoo hii I suck i know im not a very good writer either like shit what the heck was this chapter plus it wasn't even long what a surprise

I also wanted to say sometimes when you guys leave comments I don't see them until like a couple weeks or months after because I don't get them in my notifications bar thing until I come on wattpad which isn't often tbh and I don't want it to seem like I'm ignoring you or anything bc I'm not and I feel like I can't answer after all this time bc it was a while and I feel bad so like I love u guys and don't want it to seem like I'm ignoring you I'm not you guys are awesome for supporting this book and me and my ugly ass ❤️

can u guys leave jokes I'm kinda sad and wanna hear some jokes lmao

anyway hope you enjoyed!

leave me your thoughts :)

lots of love
      - nayeska™

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