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okay I kid you not a couple nights ago I started crying bc I was thinking about how much I love Louis who am I


"Sir, I have an idea."

Louis looked down at Harry who was sat happily, straddling his lap, poking at the stubble that littered Louis' face. Louis's hands rested lightly on Harry's shorts clad bum, massaging softly.

"What's your idea, darling?"

"We should go for dinner, just you and me."


Harry nodded, he would love to go out for dinner with Louis; he's thought about it for weeks..

"Emma's not here and I want to go with you, daddy."

Louis's breath hitched, praying to everything that he didn't get hard while Harry was sat on him.

"Alright baby, we can go tonight."

Harry grinned and bounced on Louis' lap. Louis roughly set his hands on Harry's hips, stopping him from any further action. He did not want to have the biggest hard on that would be firmly pressed between Harry's ass cheeks.

"Harry, I uh I want to do some things with you before we go out, if that's okay with you."

Harry nodded, cheeks pink upon feeling Louis's hard cock under him.

"What do you want to do, sir?"

Louis breathed out, tapping Harry's thigh indicating that Harry should stand up.

"Can you get on your knees?"

Harry nodded, not really knowing where Louis was taking this. His eyes widened as he saw Louis undoing his belt.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I want you to give me a handjob, is that okay?"

"Will it make you feel good? It's your willy and all, wouldn't it hurt?"

Louis chuckled; Harry really didn't know much about handjobs which Louis thought was even cuter.

"No it won't, babe, it will make me feel very good. I don't want to pressure you though, we don't have to if you don't want to."

"I-I want to. I want to make you feel good."

"Are you sure?"

Harry nodded and unbuttoned Louis's pants. He didn't have a clue what he was doing but he knew this was the way to start.

Louis pushed his jeans and boxers off, sighing in relief as his cock was released. Harry's eyes widened, shakily moving his hands up to touch Louis.

"Do you- fuck- need me to tell you what to do?"

"Um yes please," Harry said embarrassed, he was so uneducated on things like this and he didn't want Louis to laugh at him. Louis, though, thought it was extremely hot having to tell Harry what to do.

"You, uh shit, you just put your hands there." He pointed where Harry should put his hands, Harry obeying wanting to do everything to please Louis.

"You can move them up and down."

Harry moved his hands slowly, confused on how this felt even remotely good but considering the sounds coming from Louis' mouth he knew it did.

"Go faster."

Louis sounded more dominate yet shaky due to the immense pleasure he was feeling.

Harry obeyed, moving his hands a little faster allowing Louis to spill moans and profanities from his open mouth.

"You are so good with your hands, fuck."

Harry hummed, feeling happy he was making Louis feel such good things, even if it was with just his hands.

Harry's pace quickened as Louis let out a loud moan, letting him know he's doing good. That alone makes harry happy, knowing he's doing things Louis enjoys.

Louis didn't even have to tell Harry as he was already twisting his hand around the head and thumbing at his slit.

"Open your mouth," Louis demanded as he felt he was nearing his end.

Harry looked at Louis, innocence screaming from his body, mouth open ready for Louis to spill on him.

Louis groaned loudly, releasing on Harry's hand and a little on his face. He swiped his thumb over where it had landed and stuck it in Harry's mouth, who sucked slightly on Louis's fingers. His face twisted slightly at the odd taste that had accompanied the fingers. (did this paragraph even make sense lmao what)

"My god, you were so good baby."

Harry blushed as he wiped away what remained on his hands.

Louis wanted to do so much more with him.


lmao y'all it's 3 am what am I doing writing this crusty dusty musty book

also sorry for that bad ass ending line I never do well with endings i don't know why

okay but Louis is so soft and pure and his skin is so nice and radiant and he's happy and I want to protect him and love him for forever wow

okay but Louis is so soft and pure and his skin is so nice and radiant and he's happy and I want to protect him and love him for forever wow

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thats me trying to stress how much I love him

anyway hope you enjoyed! tell me your thoughts :)

lots of love
      — nayeska 🌹

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