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okay but this chapter might be hecka boring I'm sorry


"Smoking is bad for you, you know?"

Louis looked to his left to see Harry sitting in the chair next to him. He sat outside by the pool to smoke, thinking about Harry.

"Yeah. It's hard to quit though."

"I mean, I don't like it but it makes you look hot," Harry blurted and covered his mouth quickly, wishing he could take it back. He didn't need Louis knowing he thought he was attractive.

"Yeah? You think?"

Harry nodded, blush evident on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry if that was weird, I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

Louis smiled, eyes crinkled in the corner.

"It's fine, doll."


"Emma! Did you take my good panties?"

"Uh no I don't think so? You can check my drawer and see if Louis put them there by mistake after he did the laundry."

Harry quickly checked but could not find them. He decided he'd ask Louis about it.

Harry knocked lightly twice on Louis' bedroom door before Louis let him in. Louis was in adidas track pants with no shirt, bedroom window open allowing the smoke from his cigarette to go out.


"Um, i was just wondering, do you know what happened to my purple panties?"

Louis stopped, smoke spilling from his lips.

"Oh, uh yeah here."

He pulled them out from his pocket handing them to Harry.

"Why were they in your pocket?"

"They fell when I was bringing the laundry up and I put them in my pocket; I must've forgotten to put them in your drawer."

He shrugged as if it was nothing. Harry gave a smile in his direction and turned to walk back to his room.

A light smack was heard, Harry's quiet gasp was heard right after. Louis had smacked his bottom. Louis smirked looking at Harry's rosy cheeks.

"See you later, love."



alsoo the girl who wrote pinky promise followed me and I was blessed she is one of my favs

okay I'm sorry this chapter was short and crap and not interesting at all I wanna write smut but my smut is so baddd

anyway hope you enjoyed!

tell me your thoughts on this and the story :)

lots of love
— nayeska 🌹

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