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hi everyone! it's been a while like a full month wow hi I'm sorry hello

also question; is my story gym still in your libraries (if you had it in your libraries) because it's not in my stories and I can't update it because I believe it got deleted :(


"Louis, hi! Emma and I were wondering if you want come with us to the pool?"

Louis looked up from the book he was reading to find Harry in black short swim trunks and no shirt.

"Oh uh yeah of course I'll get ready."

"You're swimming with us?"

"I was planning on it."

Harry giggled as Louis chuckled.

Harry really only asked because he wanted to be around Louis. He and Emma could've just went to the backyard and swam by themselves but Harry wanted Louis there.

Harry went back downstairs to go to the backyard. Emma was laying on her back tanning her already fairly tanned skin.

"I'm going to swim, you?"

Emma lifted her sun glasses and smiled at Harry but shook her head.

"Good offer but i think I'm just gonna tan; I need it."

Emma laughed and turned on her stomach.

Louis came out a couple minutes later with a towel in hand and a cup of what Harry was presuming to be apple juice. He had on a pair of black basketball shorts and his hair was messy. He looked amazing.

He set his towel down and lifted his cup towards Harry.

"Want some? It's juice I promise."

Harry nodded and got out of the water. He grabbed Louis' cup, which was indeed apple juice, and drank from the straw.

Louis honesty thought that Harry like this, wet from swimming and glistening beautifully, was his favorite.

"Thank you Lou!"

Harry giggled as he walked up to Emma. He put his hand on her back and watched as a handprint appeared and disappeared. (if that makes sense?) He and Emma laughed and he headed towards the water.

Louis got in shortly afterwards.

He really liked seeing Harry like this; beautiful in everything.



it's been quite some time I'm sorry kiddos

okay so I saw Hayley kiyoko on march 21st and I've never been more gay tbh

I was so wow after that concert she's beautiful her band is beautiful wow

I'm seeing her again in June and I'm wowowow 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

also 13 reasons why got me fucked up its so good yes

anyway hope you enjoyed!

please tell me your thoughts :)

lots of love
    — nayeska your local dad 🎒

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