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this is dedicated to my girl esme because she's the coolio coolest 🤙🏻 she also said she needed me to update so I did for you homie got you


"Emma, Harry, there's food in the fridge if you get hungry. I'm running to the store real quick."

Harry and Emma replied with a short okay, too engrossed in the movie they were watching. It was quite hard for them to concentrate on something else since the movie Blue Is the Warmest Color was in French and they had to read the subtitles to understand fully what was going on. Someone told them about it and they decided to watch it on the weekend.

Louis was "going to the store" to get away from Harry really. Not because he hated him, no, it was completely the opposite. Nobody could hate harry. After they went shopping and Harry basically modeled panties for Louis, he could not get the beautiful image out of his head.

For a full week Louis has masturbated to the image of Harry innocently walking back and forth in front of the mirror as he decided if they looked good on him. He bought all of them and has worn them around the house with one of Louis' shirts with his jobs logo on it.

Emma paused the movie to talk with Harry.

"Do you think, while he's out, he'd buy us a pizza on his way back?"

Harry nodded.

"You ask him though; he likes you more."

"He's your step dad, Emma, why can't you ask him?"

"Because he'll say no to me! No one can resist the charm of Harry Styles."

Harry rolled his eyes with a smile and grabbed the phone Emma handed to him with Louis' number already dialed in.


"Hey Lou, could you pick up a pizza for Emma and I, you could have some too if you want. We're hungry and don't want to cook."

"Of course love. What kind?"

Harry asked Emma and repeated the kind they wanted to Louis. Louis hummed and drove in the direction of the nearest pizza place.

"bye daddy! Hurry back please we're hungry kids."

Harry and Emma giggled and hung up.

Emma didn't think much of Harry calling Louis daddy because they've been best friends for the longest time and Harry's close enough with them to call Louis his dad. Harry didn't even notice he accidentally said it, it came out so quickly.

Louis of course was extremely affected by this; his cock suddenly becoming hard at the sound of Harry's innocent voice calling him daddy.

He could listen to Harry's voice call him daddy while he fucked the life out of him.


Hi hello it's me I'm back

This chapter is complete shit I'm so sorry

Hope you enjoyed!

tell me your thoughts! :)

lots of love
— nayeska ❣️

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