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I can't sleep, so I lay here holding her. Her breaths are shallow and fast and I study here face. Her face is rather sunken in, she's clean but unhealthy looking.

She looks more peaceful, less stressed as she sleeps. Her hair that once was a bushy mess now long beautiful curls. But I feel uncomfortable holding her, I mean, dear god, do I enjoy it. But it's like holding a valuable item, if you hold it the wrong way it can break just like that. Something foreign in my arms that I shouldn't be holding. Much too delicate for my understanding.

But I feel like I owe this to her, she has nothing and nobody left and I'm part of the reason for this. I sigh as a dry sob escapes her. "Shh, it's okay, Granger, I'm here. I'm not intending on leaving any time soon either." My eyelids start to get heavy and I close my eyes after I realize I can't fight my tiredness.

I wake up and Hermione's still in my arms, but she's awake now and looking up at me. "You stayed," I said rather surprised that she didn't wake up and immediately fight to get out of my grasp.

"You're warm, the bed is comfortable, also, it's mine and I didn't have the heart to wake you up and kick you out, you look rather peaceful when you sleep," she says. I can't quite read her expression but I can tell she's being honest, her face is telling me she wish she hadn't and I sigh.

"Well, thanks for that."


There's an awkward feeling between us, very odd to be laying in the same bed together but it feels weirdly quite comfortable to be here next to someone I had teased and taunted since I first met.

There's no doubt about it that Hermione had gotten more attractive throughout her years at Hogwarts. And me lying with here, promising to help wasn't just because she'd become quite the beautiful young woman- no, of course not. But I never realized the damage one could leave on another. I'd always thought death was the worst thing, but the worst thing is having been through much death feels like a choice but having too many responsibilities to take it.

"Good morning," I say finally sick of sitting here in silence.

"Good morning," she replies with a giggle, making me chuckle a bit. "Why, Malfoy, I didn't think you could sincerely laugh at something."

"There are tons of things you don't know about me."

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Yes, it is," I roll my eyes. "I say we go get breakfast and get to know each other better."

I expect her to reject me, to say that there's other things she would rather do then get to know me. But to my surprise she sighs and says,"Let me take a shower first."

She gets out of bed and grabs some clothes and her shower stuff and I sit up. "Granger, I believe this could be the beginning to a wonderful friendship."

"Something like that," she says while rolling her eyes and leaves the room.

_ _ _


aw that was sweet

that felt super long even though i'm 90% sure the last chapter was longer but my wattpad was starting to act slow af

also i feel like i'm really bad at writing draco pov ..opinions ??

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