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lmao i'm such trash i write a book that actually gets reads and the forgets to update it for like half a year i'm so sorry i'm genuinely shocked that people actually like this though lmao this chapter isn't going to be great but now that i have a laptop i think i'll start writing more i just have to get back with the flow of it y'all are great i appreciate u <3

When we get to the book store I immediately lose Hermione, the girls like a child in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The store is rather cluttered and has an odd smell to it, imagine the smell of grandma's and a church basement and that's pretty much spot on. Anyway, as soon as we walked in all I did was pick up a book and read the back cover and the bloody girl's gone! Tell me how does one manage to lose someone with hair equivalent to a lions mane I do not know. I walk further into the store and realize how huge it is, I can't even see the back wall, what do muggles have that's so interesting to write about that it takes up this much space?

I start walking down an aisle and pick up a random book, it's yellow with ugly bubble lettered pink writing outlined in black. I read the back of it before putting it back, though, you know- never judge a book by it's cover, I chuckle to myself a little because of the irony in that. It seems to be a cheesy chic flick novel with the summer love cliche, I'm about halfway through the back before I notice Hermione standing to the left of me with an amused expression. "Bloody hell Granger sneaking up on people like that, you trying to give me a heart attack?"

She laughs before grabbing the book out of my hand, "I think the more important question is what are you doing in the romance aisle Malfoy. I never took you as a romantic."

I feel my ears heat up as I shake my head, "I didn't know it was the romance aisle." My neck must be ruby red by now. "A-and i was just reading the back because I didn't know what it was!" I feel the flush make it's way across my cheeks.

"Good heavens Malfoy you look like a tomato," she chuckles before going to put the book back. I grab her wrist. "I, um, I actually think I'm going to buy that," I say and she raises her eyebrows.

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